#1- What I saw at first.

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It was about 11 pm, and it was Wednesday night in June 2019. I was out with Ivy and another friend Jayden. We were behind a 7-11. 

No one saw us. No one cared.

We were harmlessly laughing and talking.

Until Jayden told us he brought something.

We were so confused.

Ivy asked him what he brought.

He said nothing.

It turned out to be something much worse than I or Ivy could have imagined at the time.

It turned out to be fake alcohol. 

But at the time, we thought it was real. Oh no.

We started screaming at him as he drank some.

He stopped and said, "Calm the fuck down! It's fake alcohol."

We calmed down.

Don't drink unless you are 21 and over.

I'm serious.

And even then, don't get obsessed. Please.

(More soon)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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