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Last thing I remember was his worried face, looking at me while holding me tight in his arms. It was a tiring day at work, we had to go overtime, something that he hated, he wanted to finish as soon as possible. Nanami had been your partner for a few times and as you worked with him you notice that he was a very formal guy, he talked in a certain way it captivated you.

Nanami wasn't a big talker but the few times you chatted with him was all about work, you would've liked to talk about anything besides work. You wanted to know what he liked and what he disliked, you wanted to know his favorite show. You wanted to be wanted by him.

It was when you realized that you were completely in love with the man. You knew so little about him, yet he might've known everything about you, because when you were with him you let yourself go, you would talk for hours and hours, and he would just listen to you, comfort your when you were feeling blue or just answer whatever question you asked him.

You found out what his favorite food was when you two were, once again, working overtime. He liked- no he loved bread. You two ordered for a convenience store that was opened 24h. You were so happy that, at the time, you got to know him just a little better, other than talking about work.

As you wake up your eyes met with him, he was sitting next to your bed, as you assumed you were in a hospital.

"You passed out while working," he said to you calmly, another thing that you loved about was his calm voice. You never heard him get angry, he was always calm and so was his voice. It was like a lullaby. It was the perfect voice to wake up to in the morning.

As you were trying to get up he stopped you.

"Lay down, you need rest, I brought you to my apartment, I didn't know where yours was. I know your passing out was just because you've been overworking yourself. I got you some medicine. Take it and lay down while I go prepare you some food." He was so nice, you wonder if he did this because he liked you or because he genuinely cared about you. It was certainly because you were new at his workplace and that he had been in your place. Maybe when he joined the company people weren't this nice with him, so he was trying to be nice to you. No feelings attached, maybe he didn't even like you.

But why bring you to his apartment?

You looked around, this was his room. It was as you expected. It was clean, maybe too much clean, you smiled as you looked at the nightstand beside you. There was the medicine he asked you to take, and so you did.

You were still with your office outfit, and it was uncomfortable, you hated the short skirt. It was so annoying when people glared at your legs whenever you would get the train to work, people 'accidentally' brushing their legs next to yours. An excuse to touch your leg. You hated when it happened you hated when people would use random excuses just to touch you.

Especially people at work. They would throw stuff just to make you pick them so they could peek your lingerie under your skirt. It was disgusting and unbecoming, they were all perverts. You almost hated that job, but getting to know Nanami changed everything.

You knew Nanami wasn't like that. He treated you nicely, with respect. That's what made you admire him. He was different, like no one.

You got up, not listening to him, and you wandered around the room, he didn't have any pictures, it was all to formal, the thought of it made you giggle. The bedsheets were black, the bed was so big, Nanami was a big mad after all, it made you think how tall he was compared to you, you were so small, he would always look down when he would talk to you.

You got out of his room. Unfamiliar with the place you studied it, it directly connected you with the living room and the kitchen. His place was spacious, but because of his big body it looked like he was playing in a dollhouse.

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