The box

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*newts pov*
I sighed and looked up at the clear blue sky. The leaves glistened in the bright light of the sun. The cool air blew the colorful leaves around me. I closed my eyes for a brief second before Minho came running over. I peeked an eye open to see Minho standing over me. "What do you want"I groaned sitting up. "I thought I told you to me leave me alone for a bloody minute shank. "The box is coming in a minute and alby wants you to show them around this time" Minho replied with a slight laugh, "last time I was stuck showing around a bed wetting raccoon boy." "Ughhh great"I said jokingly. "I'll be a nice friend and send him your way if he's annoying"
"Slim it shank. I'll beat your bloody arse if you do. "The grievers will be a saint when I'm done with you"Minho replied before yanking me up. "Let's go before alby makes us have to clean up the klunk." He sprinted out of the forest eager to meet the mystery boy. Maybe he's cute and nice but that's seems unlikely because who can be nice in this klunk hole. As I awkwardly limped out of the forest I couldn't help but think about the fact that I'll have to share a sleeping area with with boy. I secretly wished he was a bed wetting 12 year old so i don't have to be my odd awkward self around him. I came out of the protection of the forest and headed to the box. I saw alby glaring dagers and laughed quietly at how hard he's trying to scare me. Alby yanked my arm when I was close enough. "The box will be here any bloody second what took you so long"he growled. "Sorry albs just fell asleep and had the best dream about living here cause you know this place is the dream." I said jokingly hitting alby. The boys around me chuckled. "Oh slim it and stop calling me albs" he said shaking his head but when he turned away I saw a slight smile on his usually grim face.
The clinking of the box silenced the quiet chatter of the boys. Me,Minho,and alby rushed over and forced the gate doors up. I peered curiously down wondering where the mystery person was. "Do you see him" I asked Minho. "Nope but I can certainly smell him. He reeks of klunk"Minho said bursting out of laughter at his own Joke. "There he is"I cried pointing eagerly at a corner. "Come on out. We don't sting."I said softly holding out my arm for him. "The grievers do though"Minho said. "Slim it Minho go back to the map room. Your no bloody help anyways. Alby replied curtly back. Minho rolled his eyes playfully at me and walked towards the map room. I pulled the greenie up and out of the box. Fear filled his eyes and body. He slightly trembled as if he was trying to fight it but failing.
"That's the deftion of a human clunk"
"He does smell like feet"
"Your smelling yourself shuck-face"
"Enjoy your new home bro there's no going back." The murmurs erupted from the crowd.
I let go of the greenies hand quickly.
"Everyone this is the new greenie. "Greenie these are the gladiers" Alby yelled silencing everyone. "Greenie this is your tour guide to this magical place. Newt."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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