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This font: thoughts

Let's get started :)

The day before the fourth year of Hogwarts and Harry was more than ready to head off to school, he decided to pack his bags and stay with the Weasleys until it was ready to go to school. He couldn't stand to live another day with the Dursleys, they were awful people. Once he finally finished packing it was nine o'clock at night he quietly walked down the stairs, while the horrible muggles were asleep, he heard his the family's loud and horrifying snores so he knew they were asleep. 

He opened the door then stepped out, Harry was so excited to finally leave the Dursley house to finally be free. He took a deep breath to smell the air since he wasn't allowed to leave the house he'd hadn't taken a fresh breath in a long time, and walk to the place where the Knight bus had picked him up last the proceed to sit on the sidewalk.

After waiting for thirty minutes, Harry still waited he rather have waited just to not see the Dursleys again. Soon enough he heard a screeching sound coming from down the road. "Funny seeing you again mister Potter, where you headed," the man said while grabbing Harry's trunks. "The Burrow please," Harry replied as he walked onto the bus.

 The ride there was chaotic as usual but Harry didn't mind, he'd done this before. After twenty minutes of a crazy ride, they stopped at the Burrow "It was good to see you again Harry," the man said while waving good-bye, Harry did so much but nod back. He grabbed his trunks with his school equipment and clothes for him to wear, he also grabbed a cage that inside held his owl, Hedwig. 

He got off the bus and walked the rest of the way to the Burrow, where lived his friend Ron Weasley and his large family. Harry loved the Burrow there he was loved, in the Dursley household it was horrible they didn't let Harry leave, he cleaned everyone's messes and he ate so much but scraps. Harry walked up to the front door then gave a light knocking.

"I'll get that," a soft, comforting voice said from the inside. The doorknob turned and the door opened, Harry was excited to see it was Molly Weasley, his best friend's mother who was the nicest woman he'd ever met, she was way nicer than his aunt Petunia. Molly was the exact opposite, Molly made the most amazing food and treated everyone like her own, she was like Harry's second mother. "Harry," Molly shouted "How wonderful to see you dare," she gave Harry a warm and welcoming hug. "You too Mrs. Weasley," he said with hugging her back.

She led him inside where he was greeted by the sweet, welcoming family "Harry's here?" he heard a voice coming down the stairs said, Ron, came and gave harry a huge hug "Have you gotten all your textbooks darling," Molly asked, "Yes, Hagrid dropped them off to me," he replied while separated from Ron. "Good, have you eaten anything," Molly questioned with a concerned look on her face "No," Harry said, after all the only thing he had eaten were the scraps of his aunt, uncle, and cousin but even that didn't fill him up, honestly it wouldn't fill anyone up.

Molly led Harry to the kitchen, there he saw dinner with eight chairs and eight plates to feed everyone in the household Molly, Arthur, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and an extra for Harry. His eyes grew large but a short question crossed his head "Mrs. Weasley, why is there an extra chair and plate set up" Harry asked while looking up at her. 

"Harry, dear I always have an extra plate and chair just in case someone comes by and needs something to eat," Mrs. Weasley said while leading Harry to his chair "Dinner's ready," she announced to the rest of the family. In a heartbeat, the family rushed to the kitchen "Hi Harry," Fred and George shouted at the same time while everyone else sat down.

Fred and George were Ron's older twin brother, the funniest people someone can ever meet. Perhaps people would say that George is more responsible, but Fred was generally freer-spirited. Fred and Goerge gave Harry the Mauaders Map last term, later Harry found out the map belonged to his father and his friend. 

Once Everyone finished dinner they headed straight to bed after all it would be the start of a new year, everyone fell asleep except Harry, the young boy was just too excited to sleep. He couldn't believe that after what felt like the longest summer ever he was finally going home, to his real home. Harry was also excited cause he wouldn't see the Dursleys again for another eleven months if he could Harry would stay at Hogwarts forever.

Side note: I'm so sorry this chapter is so short I can promise you the rest will be longer, I am really tired and I will be updating once a week if not more.

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