Sweet Dreams

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It was a cool, rainy, summer afternoon. It was almost night time, and you found you started to get very sleepy. You weren't much of a sleeper though, despite the fact you tend to pass out at around 5 A.M.

You sat down on your bed and picked up your phone. You saw a text from your nerd boyfriend, Sylvie. He likes to be called Sylvester since it's more "sophisticated," but you like to call him Sylvie.

You decide to call him, because why not. You didn't expect him to pick up since he always seems to be busy, but to your surprise, he answered.

"Heya Neil! What's up? It's getting pretty late. You should sleep soon."

You sigh and flop down on your bed. "I knowww, but I can't sleep. You know why.." You roll over and hug a blanket, placing your glasses on a nearby shelf.

"I know, I know. But at least try." It was silent for a second, until Sylvie had an idea.
"Hey! What if I come over and sleep with you? Or you can come over to my house? Maybe it'll help you get better sleep?"

You think about it for a second, before responding. "Sure, but you have to come over. I'm lazy." You giggle and hang up, waiting for Sylvie to come over.

A few minutes later, Sylvie arrived. He wasn't in his lab coat or yellow hoodie, but instead a black turtleneck sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants. "Hey! Mind if I come in?"

You raise an eyebrow. "You can come in! What do you think I'm gonna do, keep you outside like a dog all night?"

Sylvie walks in and places his shoes on a mat, and then wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Knowing you, yes you would, pup."

You punch his arm playfully and then walk to your room. You close the door behind you and turn on your lamp. It isn't too bright, but it isn't too dark either.
"Huh, your bed is cozy!" Sylvie takes your blanket and wraps himself in it, transforming into a burrito.

You walk over and give Sylvie a koala hug, trapping him in his burrito prison.
"HEYY!! Lemme out!!"
"No." You say, hugging tighter. You laugh as you watch Sylvie wriggle out of the blanket, tackling you and trapping you as punishment.
"Ha. I win."
You scoff and push him away, watching him hit your stuffed animals.

"Anyway, you ready to sleep? We can cuddle if you want!" Sylvie lays on his side and opens his arms, signaling you to come cuddle him.

You lay down next to him and wrap your arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest. He was warm, and..smelled like dreams. You didn't know quite how to explain the smell, but you guessed it's probably because of his epithet.

"Mhm. You're warm." You sigh happily as he covers the both of you in a blanket.

He pokes your cheek, which you question for a moment. Then you remember his epithet.

"...was this a trick to get me to sleep earlier?"

Sylvie smirked. "Hm, maybe." He kissed your forehead and played with your hair, waiting for his epithet to put you to sleep.
You always seemed to have good dreams with Sylvie around. Maybe that's a result of his epithet, too.

But you don't care, because right now everything was perfect. The sound of the rain hitting the roof, how warm Sylvie was, how comfy you were, you knew just by the environment that this was going to be the best sleep of your life.

Before you fell asleep, you managed to slip a few more words out.

"Sylvie...I love you."

Sylvie sighed, kissing you again and pulling you closer. He scratched the back of your head softly, almost like he was petting you (like a puppy!).

"I love you too...sweet dreams love bug."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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