Chapter one,

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My name is Kagamine Len and this is my second year at Kasuka high. Last year, I had a art class. The class itself was boring, but a certain someone made it interesting. Ehem. Let me start from the beginning...
° ° °
I had just walked in the classroom, I muttered a quick hello to my new art teacher and took my seat. Looking around, I saw a mixture of both first and second years. I raised a eyebrow in question, but said nothing. A few moments before class started, a heard a voice. Not just any voice, but the voice. A voice which sounded kind and sensitive. A turned my head to the class entrance and blushed almost instantly. A boy with light blue hair and a white elegant uniform bowed smiled politely at our teacher. A white uniform. I remember my sister,Rin, talking to her friend about wanting one. A white uniform indicated that this boy was either a class president or part of the student council. Maybe even both. My face reddened when I realized I had been staring and I quickly looked straight forward again. But as soon as I did, I couldn't help but turn my head just a little again. This time, I caught the boy's eye. We stared at eachother for what seemed a eternity before he smiled at me. A gentle sweet smile. I would have melted right then and there if it wasn't for our teacher asking us to take our seats. I looked forward and was surprised when the boy with light blue hair sat right in front of me. It must have been destiny I had thought. Now this handsome boy would always sit in front of me. Our teacher asked us to introduce ourselves which is when I heard the boy's name. The name I say in head over and over again. "Kaito Shion." I learned that he was a second year, and was class president of class C-2. That explained the uniform. When it was my turn, I had quickly said my name and my grade, before sitting down. Kaito had looked at me and smiled again, gosh, that smile. I had sank in my seat and looked downwards, my face redding once again. Class seemed to end slowly, and I wasn't sure weither that was a good thing or not. But when class had ended, I saw Kaito pick up his things before turning to look at me. I looked away once again but looked at him again when I heard him speak. "Len, was it?" I nodded and he smiled "I hope we get along." He had said simply. I once again nodded dumbly before turning to walk away before his hand grabbed my uniform sleeve. I froze briefly and looked at him, Kaito saw my flustered face and blushed himself, letting go. "I'll...see you tomorrow, I guess.." I stared at him for a few seconds before grinning a bit, returning to my usual self. "How about we walk to class together?" I suggested. Kaito looked at me , a bit surprised to hear me talk. "Really?" He responded. I grinned fully now and nodded "yeah!" Kaito smiled and we walked out together. Days later,I had a routine to walk him to class. School seemed so much fun now. Art class was especially fun.
° ° °
I'm a second year now and Kaito is a third year. Things had changed with both of us. We had grown up. I had taken every moment to ask him out, t which he always said no. It was like a game to me, not so much to him. He has taken the thought that he hates me, but we both know that, of course, he doesn't. He can "see through my words." That may be the case. And sometimes he's right. But I have beaten all the Assassin Creed games, I know not to give up.
That wasn't the best reference, was it?

Hello, Sei Tan here. The author of this fanfiction. Well, first things first. Thanks so much for reading,it means a lot. Now the whole "Kasuka" thing. It just popped into my head, that might be changed later. If your confused about Kaito's outfit, its an outfit on Project Diva F 2nd named "White Blazer." It was created to celebrate Kaito's birthday. That's how it looks if you can't picture it, haha. Well. I suppose that's all. Until next time! Remember: Your comments mean a bunch!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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