I do know

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A/N : Mentions suicide readers are warned!!



"NO I WONT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Screamed William face red with anger what does he have to do to get Ian off his back and I finally just die

"NO I WONT LEAVE YOU ALONE, IM SCARED FOR WHAT HAPPEN IF I DO" Ian was standing between William and the door scared for his friend, scared about loosing him.

"Don't make this about you" the ginger accused

"I'm not"

"Yes you are what do you know about me, NOTHING! You don't know how I feel so just leave me alone" and that was it William stormed off up stares to his room leaving Ian shocked for what he heard.

—-time skip—-

Sometime has parts thankfully William didn't decide to kill himself but Ian could push off what he said "you don't know how I feel" the words kept repeating in the Englishman's head "of course I don't" Ian mumbled, he sighs "but that doesn't stop me for trying to understand for trying to help you" "you don't know me" tears starts to gather in the Mans eyes "I don't need to know you, to know your life is important" he chokes his voice hushed.

Water dropped down his face remembering why he stopped talking to William in the first place, William was never good at excepting help in fact Ian was sure he was addicted to his own misery addicted to the allusion that life is nothing but misery.

Ian wants nothing more then to get William out of his life, but does he have the strength or would he let guilt take control and stay in this friendship he doesn't know Ian cried and cried and cried confused of what to do.

Is being his friend a better choice this person needs help or should he leave William out of his life is that a better choice but for now Ian allowed him self be relieved from his stress and allow his emotions run in course.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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