Shifter Beauty

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Sitting in the hard, plastic hair of the cafiteria Monique tried to focus on the book in her hands.  A shadow fell across the page she was on making her look up.  A man with short coppery-brown hair and broad shoulders  smiled down at her looking very much like a self satisfied cat.

"Hi, my name is Calvin.  I don't think we've met." Reaching out twards his mind she tried to tell what he was up to.  The answer was plain enough, He thought she was just anouther stupiid prep in for a good time.

"My name is Monique.  I just moved here from up north."  She looked down at her book wishing more than anything that he would just leave. 

"Would you like to go out some time?  I could show you all the fun things around town."  he winked at her causeing her to frown.

Searching his mind she found that she felt nothing but revoltion twords the man. He only talked to her because his freids had bet him twenty bucks that he couldn't get someone as hot as her to go out with him. All shifters were unaturally beautiful.

"I'm afraid that I'm not all that interested Calvin.  You're not at all my type." 

The confusion in his mind was pretty amusing.  Not once in his life had he been denied anything. Looking as he walks away she sees another man staring at her in shock.  Reaching out for his mind she finds that he has nothing but respect for her.  The shifter inher purrs. Loving to have it's ego stroked. 

Smiling, she waves for him to come over.  He looks confused now but it slowly cumples into saddness. Positive that it was some kind of joke.   Comes over anyway and takes a seat directly acroos the table from her. 

"Hi!" She exclaimms cheerily, "My name is Monique. And you are?"

"Sebastian"  He wispers, head in hands.  "Why are you talking to me? Most girls wouldn't give me the time of day."

"You seemed nice and I wanted to get to know you. "

Lifting his head out of his hands he suddies her hard.  Surprised at her lavender eyes and bluish-black hair he blurts out, "You have lovely eyes" Covering his mouth with his hand he looks back down at the table. 

Feeling the embarassment rolling off him she says, " And you, good sir, are most handsome."

"Yeah right. Most girls think I'm too scrawny so if this is some kind of joke i don't appreciate it." 

"It's not a joke your eyes are my favorite shade of green and your hair falls in front of your glasses when youn look down.  It's kinda cute." 

Eyes wide, he starts to say something when a big blonde haired man walks over and shoves him out of his seat and onto the floor.

Growling, Monique jumps up intending to kill the man.  Shifters are very terrritorial around people they cared about.  Sebastian, sensing the danger sends her a mental shout to stop.

Stunned she stops. She hadn't been listening to his thoughts just then.  Meaning that he had to have sent her the thought witch was impossible..

Suddenly the man grabbed her arm.  Turning towards him Dhesee's the laughter behind his eyes.  She grabs his hand, prepared to break it if he shouldin any way threaten her or Sebastian. 

"Hey babe, you shouldn't get all huffy about a looserlike him.  You're much to good for him."  Smiling, he said it.

Narrowing her eyes she wispers, "If you want to keep the use of your hand I would take it off me."  slowly she takes her hand of  his.

Shocked he lets go of her arm. 

Walking around she helps Sebastian off the floor.  Without looking over at the man she says, " If you know what's good for you you'll leave and not bother us again."

"You just turned down the two most elligable men at this school."  Sebastian wispers, dazed.

"I simply do not like to people with bad attitudes.  You don't have one do ypu?" I ask teasingly.

HJe starts to respond but is cut off by the bell signaling the start of first period.

"See you."  I say walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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