Part 1

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Happy Birthday to PhazonLordKaito's lil bro! This short story is dedicated to and written for you my dude. This is set in like 1920s i guess. Ill post the first chapter since this is taking so long and i feel bad for making you wait but be warned there is more coming ill just have to write it when i have a gap in stories.


The half-dressed men escorted the alien group through hallways unlike any they were familiar with. The architecture seemed Roman although it had much more non-euclidean features to it. Eery lights flashed before the travelers' eyes, emanating from grooves in the walls as they walked past.

One of the members of the crew, twin sister to laborman Apollo Delian, Artemis Delian, felt slightly nauseated by the happenings in this strange unfamiliar land tens of thousands of leagues under the sea. She had no clue as to how she was breathing. When the rock cracked and the water flooded in like Mount Vesuvius erupting right in front of them she was sure it was an instant death. She briefly considered the idea that this was heaven and she was being led to the lord.

She would be led to the lord alright, but not the one she anticipated.

One of these marked men pushed open the golden doors in front of them and the expedition were brought into a room that must have been built partly from El Dorado itself. Gold, silver and bronze was infused everywhere in bright swirling patterns on the walls and floor. Art of a kind she knew not about lay smeared on the walls. It seemed like a blend of Renaissance, Egyptian and Classical but it was too outlandish to classify it as any one.

They were brought before the king, and the sight was truly something for Artemis to behold. He was young, barely an adult, and was dressed in only a blue patterned towel or cloth around his waist. His chest, arms and neck were lined with light blue markings, perhaps tattoos, and his skin was tanned with his hair black.

But that was not the most shocking thing about him, no. As he lounged on a greenstone throne, a woman was on her knees in front of him with her head bowed over his waist. A concubine servicing her king.

Perseus rested his head against the back of his throne as the slut sucked her king off dutifully. Rachel, the apprentice to the kingdom's seer, had no qualms with him when he told her to get on her knees in front of him. The redhead quite enjoyed doing what she did, and over the past years as the boy-king of Atlantis, Percy had found her to have one of the better mouths in the kingdom.

As he felt himself nearing a climax, he grabbed at Rachel's red hair and pushed up and down harder, trying to finish quickly in her mouth. When he looked up and saw the entourage his bodyguards had brought, he slowed to a halt, though Rachel kept going.

"Iason! Råkkar inb deu pteremai para uizit?!" He yelled, and one of the guards- the blonde one- stepped forward. "Deus, Rexus, wallach ik in wasaw et hållah." He greeted the king respectfully.

Artemis turned to her brother worriedly. "What are they saying?" She asked, and the blonde shrugged. The cultural expert in the group, Hermes, looked at the aliens with squinted eyes. "I can't be too sure. Its like a mix of languages. I'm finding Latin, Greek, Arabic, Nordic, basically every language is just garbled into one mess. The guard greeted the king as 'Deus, Regus', however. God-king?" He rambled, trying to make sense of it all.

The guard then stepped aside and gestured to the group. "Zieg nassie icnh lasz, Deus, Regus!" He announced, and the king suddenly stood up. Without a care he pushed the concubine to the side. Rachel fell to the floor and wiped her mouth with her wrist, quickly standing and brushing herself off before scampering out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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