Chapter 1: A cup of Tea, A Cozy Home, and A Templar

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I pour myself a hot cup of tea and lean back in my chair, picking up my favorite book. I turned to my previous page I was on, removed my book mark, and kicked off my shoes. I wiggled my toes as I felt the heat from the fire lightly singe my feet. My mind entered a state of pure zen as my muscles relaxed and I sank into my love seat. As I read, I heard the daily jester yelling the news outside as he does everyday. Again, it was the same old same old about Muslim raids and to be prepared. He's been saying the same news for days now. I've honestly considered many a time to join the fight, whatever the cause is, at times the thought of a grand adventure takes my spirit for a imaginative spin... but I'm no fighter... I've yet to ever swing a sword or carry that dense, heavy armor. Though, I love my adventure books and reading about the treacherous wars. My love for wild adventures has already become part of my my daily activities as I spend a few hours writing my own heroic novel. Outside of that I also go about tending to my garden and working at my job as a cobbler. Now thinking about it, my real life is much different than to what I fantasize and enjoy reading, I chuckle to myself. Life is great for me honestly, decent job, nice cozy home, delicious tomatoes and beautiful flowers from my garden, and protection from inside the walls of this great kingdom and the mighty protection of the Holy Roman Empire. I go to my church every Sunday and Wednesday night, catholichood, I'm a Christian fellow. The pope at our church has been saying to prepare for war too. He'll stir the crowed and even talks about God wanting us to go to war and retake his kingdom, Jerusalem. I personally think that the Muslims should keep it. It's not like it provides anything for us, all it is is a sacred ground and a bleak and empty as a ghost town behind 20ft walls. Nearly inhabitable and undesirable in my opinion. Though, of course, it is highly important when looking at it from a biblical perspective. Regardless of how I feel though, the rest of the men in my church almost become frenzied and wild as the thought of war drives their imagination everywhere. The grown men and even the boys will happily leave church to go and find sticks or dowel rods to sword fight in the yard. I simply look on to the rigorous activity and keep my thoughts to myself. The last thing I desire to be is an outsider. Although I am not fond of fighting in a war, I suppose I wouldn't be against it if I had to fight, I'm just not a fighter simply. I took another sip of my tea that was growing cold while I lost myself in thought. I stared into the fire and my mind began to drift again, what sort of adventures could I put my hero through? Maybe I should document this upcoming war for even more inspection... ah too dangerous. *Knock, knock, knock* "open the door" I jumped to the sound of the heavy thuds on the door, spilling small drops of tea on my vest. I shake my head and bring myself back to reality and rebuttal, "who is it?" Who on earth would be here at this hour? With a glance to my pocket watch it read 7:30. "Under the command of the pope! Open this door! Or else!" I quickly shot up in fear and newfound curiosity and pulled back my curtains and gazed out my window. With wide eyes and a dropped jaw I stared in awe at a Templar knight. I scattered to my door and removed the deadbolt and opened the door and greeted him nicely, "Good evening knight of the Templar, what do I owe the pleasure of you being here?" He was a massive man with a very deep voice, still in full plate armor with large shoulders and a round, smooth helmet. He too one step away from the door and returned the greeting. "Good evening to you too sir...uhh" "Sir Ruben, Jerome Ruben." "Ah yes, sir Ruben, have you gathered your belongings?" My head tilted in confusion to his words. "Wait.. For what?" His armor sagged my my response. "Did you not hear the news jester? The pope is gathering men for a so called 'crusade'." "I've heard bits and pieces. Though what does that have to do with me?" "well, first of all, pay attention more in the cathedral. Second, I'll give you five minutes to have everything packed, if not you will be arrested!" The knight said as he turned around on his heel and took two steps back, facing the open landscape that was my front lawn. Though after his words I stood there in the doorway still and confused. There is absolutely no way he was the right person. "RUBEN! Come along now! I don't hear any movement!" I looked around my home franticly, grabbing anything that seemed to be of somewhat value. A small blade given to me by my father, my cathedral necklace, my pocket watch, and my crucifix. I hurried out my door and shut it, the Templar glared at me through his helmet and turned to walk to the fields. As I ran to catch up with him I took a glance at my home and thought to myself, what am I about to get into? Something told me that my own adventure book was just about to begin.

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