Stargazing - Saimota

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"Hey man! Wanna go stargazing?"

Kaito texted Shuichi, who was just going to fall into a deep, relaxing sleep, but he accidentally left his phone on vibrate mode, and that woke him up easily. Shuichi always has been quite a light sleeper.
He was glad by this accident at the moment though, stargazing with Kaito would be really fun, even though Shuichi doesn't have any particular interest in space stuff like the other boy has.

"Sure, when?" Shuichi asked, and Kaito replied faster than the detective ever could:

"I'll be around your house at midnight, is that alright?"

"Yeah, I'll wait for you then", Shuichi typed, and Kaito replied with a typical smily face.

Shuichi smiled a little bit, feeling glad that he didn't go to sleep yet. Stargazing with his best friend, who Shuichi also was hopelessly in love with, what could be better? But Kaito would never know about Shuichi's feelings.
He could never confess, just thinking about it made him feel sick. Of course he would confess, if he knew that it was worth it, but they were only friends, and the detective had to acccept it.
This was enough for Shuichi though, at least he could spend time with Kaito, and maybe hug him from time to time.

Okay, so I still have one hour of time before he's here...

Shuichi thought, and took off his pyjamas, and changed into something more warm for the chilly night. He wondered what Kaito might wear for the stargazing, coming to the conclusion, that probably nothing more flashy or fancy than his normal outfit.

But Shuichi couldn't complain about that, because he loved that jacket with the almost glowing picture of the galaxy, and he would be the happiest person alive if he could wear it someday.

While still thinking of Kaito, Shuichi fell on his bed, he still had at least 30 minutes left until they went stargazing, and Shuichi was slowly getting tired.
The whole week had been mentally exhausting. Just work, work and more work. He didn't have any time for his own free time, and sleeping for those important 8 hours was impossible.

He probably fell asleep for a while, because he heard the doorbell rang a couple of times until he was complete awake from his sweet dreams.

"That must be Kaito!"

Shuichi said to himself, and quickly ran to the door opening it slowly. His expression brightened immediately when he saw Kaito Momota, "luminary of the stars" standing there, his lips curved into a big smile.

"Hello Kaito", said Shuichi quietly, and Kaito wrapped his arms around him tightly. The detective had no other choice than to do the same for him, and even for Shuichi (who usually doesn't like hugs) this felt comfortable. Kaito's hugs were always warm, and made everyone feel relaxed, no matter how difficult that day had been.

"Hey Shuichi! So, are you ready to go?" Kaito asked with a happy tone, and Shuichi nodded, smiling as well.
He put his shoes on, and went outside after Kaito.

They walked almost in complete silence somewhere in a forest. Shuichi actually had no idea which kind of place they were going to, Kaito just said that he knew a wonderful place to go stargazing together, and the detective trusted his knowledge on this topic. Kaito has been stargazing for forever after all, of course he knows all the great spots, and now Shuichi could come along too.

The forest felt cold for him though, which made this small trip kind of
uncomfortable and Shuichi wished they could have watched some movies together, while relaxing under blankets drinking tea, but then Shuichi remembered the reality.

They were only hanging out as best friends, and the detective's plans were far away from that. Now, Shuichi was scolding himself about even thinking about them like that. It was all pointless, because he knew that Kaito wasn't gay.
He had heard about his every girlfriend at least something, and it wasn't easy for him, but he just went by the easiest method: keep your fucking mouth shut, nod, and maybe comfort him when he breaks up with his girlfriends, if that's what he needs.

I'm thinking too much again.

Shuichi tried cleaning his thoughts by looking at all the things around him. Trees, the moon, the stars, his own feet, Kaito's back...

Oh fuck.

"Are you okay there? You seem to be falling behind", Kaito said with a louder voice than usually, because he was right. Shuichi had fallen a little bit behind. Maybe caused by his exhaustion.

"Yeah...I'm feeling just a little bit tired", Shuichi mentioned nervously laughing, and ran to catch up Kaito.

"We'll be there soon! Keep going, you can do this" Shuichi got more determineded after Kaito's supporting, which made him walk faster than before.

Finally, they arrived to the spot. For Shuichi's surprise, it was just a clear area, where the stars shined brightly. Perfect for stargazing.
Kaito already sat down, and tapped the ground next to him hinting, that Shuichi could sit there, and he did exactly as Kaito showed.

"How did you even find this place?" Shuichi asked, while looking at the stars.

"I found this a long time ago, when I was just a little kid. I have no idea why this place is so empty, but it's pretty cool!" He laughed loudly, and Shuichi liked seeing him happy like this.

"But anyway, I wanted you to check out this spot with me, but I also have something else to tell you..."

Kaito started, and lowered his voice suddenly. Shuichi's heart sank immediately. Could it be bad news? Were he and Maki now together? Did he have to move somewhere far away?

Honestly, Shuichi felt like he didn't want to know, whatever it was. But as his best friend, he also knew, that he had to listen to everything Kaito needed to tell him, and this was clearly something important.

"Y-yeah?" Shuichi answered quickly, his voice shaking a lot.

"I'm just gonna man up, and say it right now..." Kaito continued, and took a deep breath.

"So, I think I am in love with you. Like, a lot. I know, it's weird, but it's okay if you don't feel the same way!"

Shuichi's whole body froze immediately when Kaito said that first sentence, and he probably didn't even hear the rest of it.

Wait, what? How? Why? How could someone like him, like me? Love me?

"I-I don't know what to say."

No. You're being stupid, Shuichi! You definitely know what to say.

"I meant that I am in love with you too! I'm so glad you feel the same way", Shuichi had to hug Kaito at this moment, and they stayed at this position over ten minutes exchanging random things they like each other.

Everything was just so chaotic, but beautiful, and Shuichi's exhaustion was really getting bad.

"Hey...can we go back already? I would love to stay here longer, but you can probably see that I need sleep", the detective informed and Kaito nodded.

"Sure, we can always come back here. Probably on our one week anniversary?" He answered smiling widely.

"Do you realize, that one week anniversary doesn't probably exist?" Shuichi asked, and started walking back home with Kaito who yelled again:

"Yeah, but I want to do it anyway!"

"That's okay with me!" The detective said happily, and walked the rest of the trip back to home smiling.

"Could you stay here for the night? Tomorrow is saturday, so we have nothing to worry about." Shuichi asked, he definitely didn't want Kaito to go home just yet.

"I can sleep on the floor, so yeah!" Kaito said enthusiastically.

"Okay then" Shuichi opened the floor and they went inside, and the detective showed where his room was to the other boy.

Shuichi immediately fell on his bed, without even changing his pyjamas back on. He just tossed a blanket and two pillows for Kaito, who already was sitting on the floor comfortably.

"Good night, Shuichi." Kaito whispered gently, but he wasn't even sure did Shuichi hear that, because the only thing he got for an answer, was random mumbling and quiet, peaceful snoring.

A/N: Thanks for reading my first Saimota fanfic! It probably has many mistakes again, but I'm very sleepy too so I need to sleep now. Good night!

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