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Hi guys! My name is Taya and I made this shifting script template to help anyone that was struggling with what to put in their script. While I did tailor this to fit those shifting to the MCU, I can work on templates specifically designed for other desired realities.
(Small update: just posted the first part of a DR self guide for the MCU! go check it out luvs <3)

Just to clear some things up, here are some common misconceptions about scripting!

-You don't have to make a script. They can be useful tools for visualization, and for getting all your ideas sorted out, but you don't need one to shift.

-Scripts don't have to be super detailed! While the template here is on the specific side, it can be as vague or concise as you want, whatever works for you.

-When you script, you aren't "creating" a new reality, you're just specifying which reality you want to transfer your consciousness too. With every detail you add, you narrow down the infinite number of realities around you.

-Shifting at its core is very simple, but I know that it can become very complicated very fast, and it can be overwhelming. While shifting to your desired reality is harder than shifting to one very close to your original reality, you can still do it with ease. Just remember, the universe has chosen you to know about shifting for a reason. You have all the tools you need to shift. You deserve to shift, and visit realities to gain new experiences, forge new relationships, and go to new places.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the script, or even just shifting in general! I believe in you, and you are going to shift. 111 222 333 444.

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MCU Shifting Script TemplateWhere stories live. Discover now