"From Me To You"

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"Here's some chocolate..."

"From Me to You, Hajime."


"Hey Hajime! Over here!"

The familiar voice called out to you. You spun on your feet as you turned to the source of the sound. From afar, you managed to identify the person calling you.

"Just wait Kazuichi," you yelled back, running towards the Mechanic "I'm coming I'm coming!"

As you steadily approached him, you crossed your arms, waiting for his response. Kazuichi stood there, holding a piece of paper and staring at it intensely.

He called for you but he's not even paying attention? What does he think he's doing?

"What did you call me for?" You said, in an attempt to snap the man back to reality. As expected, Kazuichi perked up and apologised briefly, spouting a few sorries here and there for a good minute.

"I called you because of this!" He replied, shoving the piece of paper he once held onto your chest. You immediately grabbed it and read the text intently.

"Creamy White Day Milk Chocolate Recipe"

Once you read those few words, you immediately knew what this was about.

You sighed in realization "I forgot..." you admitted "It's White Day today, isn't it?"

You, Hajime Hinata, deemed to be one of the most social and admittedly handsome, by some of the women of class 77. Although you wouldn't consider yourself as handsome as what the girls may say, you wouldn't lie, those titles they gave added a slight confidence boost. But what made you curse at yourself was he fact that you forgot this very special day, White Day.

A day wherein people who received gifts during Valentines Day give their original gifters some gifts in return. And usually, boys are the ones who partake in this special occasion. Out of all the boys in the class, girls went head-over-heels for you.

Last Valentines Day, you received numerous chocolates from different gifters, all with written names on each of them. Well, all except for one...

Ever since you saw the nameless chocolate, you wondered who was the mysterious gifter.

You groaned aloud, Kazuichi obviously got the intent that you forgot about this special event. In an attempt to cheer you up, he came up with an idea.

"Hey! You know what? How about we make chocolate together?" Kazuichi suggested. You turned to look at him, with displeasure in your eyes. In an instant, he figuratively melted down like ice.

"Sorry," he apologized "I just thought it could help with that situation you have." he emphasized the situation part.

"You know,"

"The one with the mysterious girl."

Sighing in frustration, you immediately knew what he was talking about. "Yeah, I know..." you told him, waving your hand in dismissal. "You don't need to make an effort you know."

"I can find them myself" you firmly told him.


5 hours later...

"Mahiru!"a feminine voice called out to you "Are you listening?"

You snapped back to reality, only to see a pair of worried eyes from two girls in front of you. Chiaki, who was sitting next to you, waved her hand in front of your face in an attempt to get your attention.

From Me To You || Hajime Hinata x Mahiru Koizumi (Hinazumi)Where stories live. Discover now