Chapter 1

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 Low purple lights rose from the undercity of Darmania. Smog filled the air until the magenta sky was nearly grey. As Dakota blinked up at the sky she let her mind drift. Fantasies of glory and grandeur swam around her head as she tapped her claws on the floor. "Thinking again?" the calm voice of her bother called from behind. While she preferred to keep her problems and personal activities to herself, she couldn't help but smile. He was a true empath at heart, wasn't he?

"Just daydreaming" she replied moving off to one side allowing Diablo to sit next to her. He smiled at her warmly "pretty eventful day ey?" he gave her a sidelong glance and grinned "have to admit didn't think you could pull that raid off but here you are. Dakota blinked at him in mock surprise "Gasp! My own brother? Not believing in me? I'm crushed!" Diablo barked out a laugh, low and hardy. Their amusement faded into silence as they both looked out at the cityscape ahead.

"Now I assume you didn't just come here to congratulate my anticipated success" Dakota sat up making herself look more professional. Diablo smirked "nothing gets past you now does it?" he let out a sigh. "No, I came here to tell you about some interesting news"

Dakota raised her eyebrow "oh?"

"And what is this oh so mysterious news? Oh do let it be the Empress getting her tutu in a twist over our mess the other day!"

Diablo's smile wavered "well not exactly that, it was more something er someone who caught my eye"


"Quizzical, he, he popped up on our radar"

"Quizzical? I thought he was in some government penitentiary."

"He was, but we hacked into some private security cams and... I thought you would be interested in this footage"

Dakota blinked at him "Why would I be interested in that slimy backstabbing - grrrr. He sold us out to Razor's gang just last year, why would I want to recruit him"

Diablo shook his head "No not for recruitment... just. You have to watch the footage"

Dakota glanced at the holo screen skeptically.

Quizzical's grey scales blended in with the landscape around him, but as someone who had seen her fair share of hiding scum, she recognized him right away.

His muscular shape climbed up onto a nearby roof, only his silhouette, distinguishing him against the darkened sky. Out of the darkness in front of him, a deep blue hue emerged. It looked almost like fog at first but as it began to swirl it formed an undeniable oval in front of him.

Dakota squinted her eyes in confusion "Is that....."

"A portal, yes as far as I can tell it is"

"That isn't possible... Is this imperial tech or something?"

"No not imperial"

Stopping the video Diablo zoomed in, and began playing it again at a slower frame rate.

"No watch the portal closely"

Narrowing her eyes Dakota stared at the swirling fog.

Behind the screen of blues and purples lay a silhouette.

"Definitely part Rasneck..."

"And do you know any Rasnecks who can summon portals?"

"No.. none that I know...Portals.. and awfully unique and potentially useful ability.."

Dakota stared at the still image thinking. She didn't trust Quizzical at all and would adore getting back at him for what he did. And stealing his new toy? Perfect! It would also give them an advantage over the imperials and rival gangs...

Looking back at Diablo, Dakota flashed him a smile "Well then, what are we waiting for? Shall we go greet Quiz and his new pet?"

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