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Ring! That was a long day. Far longer than necessary. Moon quickly put all her papers back in her binder, grabbed her books and pencils, and tossed them into the pocket dimension that had just formed. She snapped her fingers, much like the others in her class did to their own, and the dimension closed right back up. She liked her pocket dimension. She got lucky when she was assigned this one. It was the biggest one; she could probably fit a whole room or two in it if she wanted.

Waving goodbye to her teacher, Moon quickly weaved through conversing students and around corners until she got outside. The fresh; nice; not hot, sweaty, or disgusting air hit her like a truck as she made her way to the tree. It seemed Alder was here already. The demon grinned as she approached her ginger-haired friend. "Hey, Al! Did you get let out early?"

Alder, who was leaning on the tree, fiddling with something on his phone, glanced up at Moon and nodded. "Yeah; someone spilled some oil," he explained. His voice went into a humorous hush as he continued. "Teach wanted us all out. The fire-afflicted kids in this class are not the best at controlling themselves."

Moon suppressed a snicker, folding her arms. "Oh no, I can only imagine the accidents..." Oh, and she could imagine them, alright. Very easily. She had caused quite a few in her time. And not all of them were accidents.

Alder's voice returned to his normal tone, and he slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah, we got dismissed early so she could clean up. I've been out here for about ten minutes or so." He shrugged and Moon nodded eagerly.

"That sounds amazing, holy crap." She sighed wistfully, a twinge of good-natured jealously sneaking into her voice. "English teacher held us in as long as demonly possible. I swear he would've kept us longer if he could." Not like Moon was paying attention at all during the class. Her sketchbook filled with doodles of cats and fire and humans snuck into her mind. She hadn't been paying attention at all. "Well, at least it's Thursday. Almost over." 

Alder chuckled. "Yeah. Been a long week. I had like seven exams." Before Moon could respond, his eyes lit up and he held up a finger. "Hol' on a sec." With a snap of his fingers, a rip into his pocket dimension-- which was about the size of a closet-- opened up and he grabbed a bag of oatmeal raisin cookies out of it. "Before class ended, we made cookies. I honestly don't like oatmeal raisin, so do you want some? I was going to give Marbles and Basil some too." 

With a grin, Moon snatched the bag out of Alder's hand, earning her a laugh. "Yes, please. Oatmeal raisin cookies are superior." She plucked the smallest cookie out of the bag and began to nibble on it.

"Who has summoned me with the mention of oatmeal raisin cookies? I demand one." Moon turned around to see a familiar face dashing towards her and Alder. It was Basil. He carried his books in his arms, and his green jacket, which was tied in a loose knot around his waist, seemed like it was about to come flying off. His eyes fell on the bag in Moon's hand, and grabbed it, despite her best efforts to hold it up high. 

Holding things up high doesn't work when the person you are trying to keep it from is six inches taller than you. 

Basil shifted the books to one arm and struggled to take a cookie out of the bag. "Why don't you just put your books in your pocket dimension?" Moon cocked her head as she asked this. Basil never put things away and always ended up dropping them. "Wouldn't it be easier?"

Alder, who had pulled one of his books out of his own dimension and was reading it, chuckled. "Yeah, Base. I'm not going to keep picking up your books." He stuck his tongue out at the other, and Basil rolled his eyes. Shifting everything over to one arm, he snapped his fingers and dumped all of his supplies into his pocket dimension before closing it back up, now easily opening up the cookie bag. "See? Much easier."

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