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"There's nothing else we can do ma'am," Dr.Simmons said gloomily "He's running on life support and the only option we have is to pull the plug," he continued with a sad expression.

"NO! MY BABY CAN'T DIE!" A helpless mother cried hysterically holding onto the doctor.

"I'm sorry ma'am," He said barely above a whisper as he embraced the older woman.

I peeped from my office, the heartfelt situation that was taking place in the hallway. I couldn't bare the sight of the woman grieving over her son, a single tear threatened to fall but I composed myself. Instead I adjusted my spectacles and focused on my own patient, Rayan Lopez.

"Please Dr.August, don't let me die," His voice croaked as he looked at me with teary eyes.

I held onto his hand and clasped onto it tightly.

"Just promise me you'll stay strong Rayan. And I promise you, you won't die,"

He smiled a weak smile, before his grip weakened and there was silence in the room.

Which was only filled by the sound of a flatline.

Flatline (RayxChres)Where stories live. Discover now