at lupins house

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3:30 am 

Y/n woke up looked at the time and groaned,she went in the kitchen "oh well hello miss Y/n what can i assist you with?"wink asked "aw nothin winky thank you for asking though "y/n said she went outside and sat down in the grass and cried but she didn't know why it could've been the stress, or the fact that school was starting soon and she was nervous . 

*nymphadora tonks pov*  I had woken up to get a drink of water when i heard quiet sobs. i went downstairs and saw winky "wheres the crying coming from wink?" i asked well looking around the house "its Y/n ma'am she just walked outside and started crying. I wasn't sure what to do." winky said quietly you could tell she felt bad for not doing anything "its ok wink just go grab me some tissue would you?" i asked well patting her head. I went outside and sat next to Y/n and just hugged her and let her cry, winky came out with the tissue, and a blanket. I wrapped Y/n up in the blanket and gave her the tissue, "would you like to talk about it ?" i asked well rubbing her back "yea i guess.." she said quietly "lets go inside well i get your dad ok?" i asked getting up "ok .." she said walking into the house and sitting in her chair  "REMUS" i yelled "mum!!" she said surprised "what?" i asked her  "why did you scream? you could've just went upstairs" she said laughing "yes dear?" remus said rubbing his eyes  "your daughter wants to talk about her feelings" i said pulling him to the table and sitting down in my seat. "ok so i'm not a hundred percent sure why i was crying but i feel like it's the stress of school starting and having to leave all my animals. I'm just not sure i'm ready for that. It's scary. i'm not gonna know anyone." she said petting her dog lily (yes its supposed to be a reminder of harry's mum) lily softly barked "see look N/n she'll be just fine and me and your mum will be here to help the rest of them, winky also will help you know she knows what shes doing all of them will be fine." lupin said petting lily. "and for the not knowing anyone, you know the weasleys, um and luna. oh wait she doesn't go till next year but still you'll have fred and george, uhh percy and i think charley will be there for this year, but next year ron and luna and hermione will be there." i said with a yawn I looked at the time [5:39 am] "damn its already morning were supposed to go see with the weasleys for one last cookout before school starts." I said "i started the coffee ma'am, would you like some N/n?" wink asked looking at Y/n who was half asleep "yes please wink thank you" She said with a small smile. which is one thing i'll always love about her is she always makes sure wink feels like more than just a house elf. more like a little sister even though wink's older than her. "mum " Y/n said quietly "whats up sweetheart" I asked "can we go earlier? i need a molly hug" she said yawning and getting up "yea let me ask molly ok?" i asked well rubbing her back "okk" she said. 

Y/n's point of view 

I should've just stayed sleep *THUMP* woahhh tf was that I looked at my window omg "come here baby" i said as i grabbed my owl malibu ouu a letter let me read it 

*Hey N/n its fred i miss you so much i know we get to go to school together hopefully most of our classes are together. sorry i didn't write back right away mum told me i couldn't write to anyone for a whole week!! isn't that crazy um but i know your nosey so the reason i got grounded was because i was um no  well me AND george wanted to pull a prank on ronny boy and it didn't go as planned but i know your coming over for the last annual weasley cookout till next year and maybe we could go to our secret place alone and just maybe hangout or something i guess  but BYEEEE i gotta go eat Love Fred weasley ur dummy* 

awww my dummy wrote me how cute, i wonder what he did to get in trouble i should write back but i'm going to see him soon *knock knock* "come in" i said as i grabbed my outfit "molly said that's fine so we'll probably leave around 9:30 ok?" mum asked well handing me a coffee "thank you for the coffee and yea that's fine imma drink this then shower " i said taking a sip "ok love" mum said walking out i drank my coffee and fed all my animals, well the ones that needed to eat today. i got in the shower and got dressed, i'm wearing black ripped jeans and a loose crop top that has a red smiley dripping face with purple eyes and my cherry 11's cutest outfit ever!!! anyway i did my makeup, just some concealer, mascara, and some lip gloss. I grabbed one of my dads zip up hoodies and my back pack which has all my stuff in it and ran down the stairs and checked the time [9:15 am]  right on time "hey mum" i yelled up the stairs "yes?" she said walking towards the stairs "wheres my brush?" shit i almost forgot to do my hair "in the living room luv" she said walking down the stairs. i put my hair up and used a claw clip. we left and got ready to drive there.

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