Welcome Aboard

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"You and your women, Yondu," Quill said with a smirk. He gazed at you and then turned to his captain, "nice choice."

"Yeah, ain't she a pretty thing?"

"Oh, definitely. She seems sweet too. Let's just hope the rest of your crew doesn't think you've gone soft, old man."

"No callin' me 'old man', boy!" Yondu growled playfully.

Quill chuckled as you turned as red as the fin on Yondu's head.

Soon after, the blue captain led you through his impressive ship. He took pride in it, and that pride was well deserved. It was outfitted with the latest technologies: fancy navigational programming, powerful engines, and shiny photon lasers. Though likely through illegal means, Yondu had saved up credits his whole life to get a ship this magnificent.

You also noticed two collections aboard this Ravager ship. The first was a small, adorable collection of figurines along the arm of Yondu's captain's chair. Yondu tried to lead you away as you looked at a cute blue frog trinket. The second collection consisted entirely of fins.

"You know what these are for, girlie?"

Before you had time to answer, Yondu gave a quiet whistle. The fin on his head glowed brightly as an arrow floated towards you. It was as if it had magically appeared, and it did not seem friendly.

Seeing the worried look on your face, Yondu assured you, "Aww, don't worry. Though this fin is on my head, this here arrow I control with my heart. And my heart don't want no harm to come to ya."

You smiled at each other. A certain tension was present. His red eyes piercing through you was enough to give you butterflies.

Flustered, he looked away and said, "Let's show you off to the rest of the crew."

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