A Bright Light

2 1 0

We see the time on a 90s digital alarm clock to be 02:05. Our Protagonist wakes up from their sleep. They look around their room and see the radiant heater turned on on their right, and white light illuminating only the top 1/3 of the glass of the door before them. Our Protagonist gets up. They're thirsty.

They lower themselves to grab a bottle of water next to the fridge. Suddenly, we see the reflection of a black eerie figure standing behind the window. Our Protagonist brings themselves up. They pour the water into the glass and lower themselves back again to place the water bottle back in its place. This time the shadowy figure is gone. They drink their water and sigh while their eyes are closed, breathing, meditating.

We see them going back to bed and trying to sleep. Seconds later we hear loud bangs on the door. Our Protagonist stands on their bed. Their eyes now wide open, frightened. The creature is now standing behind the door. It doesn't appear to be touching it, but the loud bangs continue until...

The keys locking the door begin to turn on their own. Our Protagonist is frozen. They can barely breathe. The door opens shedding light upon them. But then they are shadowed by the strange being. They stare at it. Fear in their eyes.

We hear his heavy breathing as the camera moves to the clock. As the clock strikes 2:10 we hear a blood-curdling scream.

Number 2 fades away, number 1 fades away, number 0 remains a little bit longer but eventually fades away.

Fade to black.

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