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Hi- I decided to introduce myself and give a sort of explanation of this crap im doing lol.

My name is Eon, I use He/They/It pronouns. (Any are fine, but i do prefer these!) And im in the process of growing wings!

I have been trying to grow them for only about 1 month and a half, so im not very far considering it takes 5+ years to fully grow them normally ;-;

Im not in a flock, so if anyone wants to start one im very open to it!


I started exploring the internet more and came across this whole thing with Avians, and it was intriguing! As i did more research, i started to listen to subliminals, practice flying motions, and use biokinesis. This took time, but i decided to start a journal for it lol.

Also- I will be showing this to my parents, so hopefully they wont be mad im trying to grow wings ;w;

Since im showing this to my parents- Hi Mom

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