12/3/390 BC

46 2 1

Good MORNING, diary!!

It is I, Socrates, writing to you from my bed as I arise from my slumbers. Today, I am thinking about the nature of the universe. #JustPhilosophyTings!!!

In just a few short days, I will be marrying my Hot GF. SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!! She's been kinda a bummer recently tho, bc she wants me to help pick out decorations. Doesn't she know? The only thing I know is that I know nothing -- so I DEFINITELY do not know which flowers to choose! 


OH SORRY I fell as I was writing that. I'm such a clutz!!!

Anyways, recently I've been kinda suspicious of our friend. Plato. He's been a bit of a creep... writing down all our conversations? He says he's gonna put it in books, but idk man im not sure. I think hes a bit obessed with me. LOL!!

My Schedule for Today:

7am - Wake up

7.10am - Write in diary

7.20am - Think about stuff

10pm - Go to sleep

Welp, its almost 7.20... I gotta go. Its time to start my busy day!!!!

Love, Socrates


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