Victor Frankenstein's POV

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It was such a bright day that day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. It couldn't be a more perfect day for Victor to show his gratitude towards the count who has been taking care of him and his friends while they stayed at the mansion. While others are spending their free time doing things they enjoyed, Victor had decided he would do something useful. He made his way to the garden with tools. He had everything ready: a shovel, scissors, gloves and other things he might need.

Despite the garden often being taken great care of by Saint-Germain, he decided to try and help a hand by tidying up the garden. There were weeds growing here and there, rogue branches growing in ways that wasn't prefered and there were other imperfections. It did not disturb the peaceful image of the area, but he still took it upon himself to spend the afternoon removing the unintended, initally on his own. This would become a quite long and tedious process, but he couldn't help but feel good about it. "All right, everything's ready. Let's do this..!" Perhaps his words left his lips louder than intended, expressing the excitement that had been burrowed in his chest.

All of a voice caught his attention. He turned his gaze towards the one who drew closer with quick steps. "Victor, what are you doing?" The voice of Cardia reached the man's ears. He wasn't shocked to see her around. She must be bored to death.
"Hey, it's you. I was thinking I'd clean up the garden today." He glanced around the area, observing the things he believed needed to be removed.

"The garden..? Why?" The girl's innocent gaze was fixed on the alchemist. He couldn't help but smile as he explained his motivation.

"The count's been taking care of us I just wanted to do something nice for him in return." In response Cardia nodded her head.
The question that followed was something he hadn't exactly expected.

"If you're just starting now, may I help?"

"Huh? An extra hand would be nice, but I don't think it will be much fun." He waved his hands slightly in refusal.

"No, I'd like to do something for Saint-Germain too. And I think it would be fun to talk to you as well." Cardia protested. 

Victor could tell there was no reason to try and change her mind. Of course company was always welcomed. A soft laugh managed to escape him. "All right. If you really don't mind, then you are welcome to help."

"Got it." Cardia grabbed a shovel, her face shining. Victor silently chuckled to himself, being glad to see her do such simple tasks with such high spirits.

Victor turned around to begin with taking unwanted plants out of the ground. Due to his past experiences with plants he was able to skillfully pull the weeds out of the ground with ease. It was surprising how convenient these skills could be.

Not many minutes had passed before the voice of Cardia rose in astonishment. "Wow. How are you doing that?"

As Victor had been working, he had managed to slip away in his thoughts. The voice pulled him right back into reality, but it did take him a split second to recover. "Hmm? Oh this?" His eyes wandered down towards the weeds he had already pulled out of the ground before turning back to Cardia. "You just soften the dirt with the shovel, then pull the root out at an angle." He spoke with experience.

Cardia nodded once more. "Ah...I see. I'll give it a try."

Victor put some of his bodyweight on the shovel as he rested his arm on it as he watched her patiently. She followed his instructions and not long after the first weed had been smoothly pulled out of the ground.

"Whoa..." Cardia mumbled as her eyes widened.

The male was left amused as Cardia pulled more out of the ground with the same result.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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