Chapter 1

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She clutched her mother's dress with her chubby fingers and peeked out from behind at the two little boys playing in a garden. The little girl missed her father but he was off somewhere with Odin talking about her parents and my arrangement. Frigga stood at the edge of the garden watching her two boys play. Frigga greeted my mother and my mother told me to go play with the two boys. As I walked over to play with them I glanced back at Frigga making sure it was okay and she gave me a smile and nodded. I soon learned the two boys' names to be Thor and Loki. They would become best friends thought the little girl as she smiled gently at the two boys. The little girl loved Asgard. It was so beautiful, so many new people to meet. Since the destruction of my parents home planet, Odin, Ruler and King of Asgard very kindly let us stay on his wonderful planet. My parents are nature gods so Odin had a giant patch of forest reserved for them. My parents power began to deplete if they were not near a vast expanse of nature forces to keep their physical forms from aging. We had a very tearful goodbye after I was done playing with the little boys. My parents told me to promise to visit the forest when ever I could and my little self told them I promised. It would be awhile before I was able to visit them I first had to control my power since it was and could still be a very destructive power. King Odin according to the terms he and my father Cassius had come up with I would be training alongside his sons, Thor and Loki.


I know I know this is really short but I've been really excited to post this and I couldn't wait. I also want to say that this is kind of like a backstory so y'all have some info. You wont be seeing alot of Young Alaris, Loki, and Thor except for in flashbacks and the next chapter.

Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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