Chapter 1: Mad New York

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       frist Superhero fanfic! Woot! Um, Warning I don't know EVERYTHING about Spiderman. Kate isn't in the comics or movies; she's just someone I made up to play that part. By the way, this takes place when Peter is in highschool still.


        New York; the crazy town of New York, no-no more than 'just' crazy. Insane town; a mad man always awake and never one moment of rest- the city that never sleeps. As the city that lights up any travelers day is the city I hate most. It seems there is always something insane going on here; With the super villains and superheroes; the battles, the death. Why does anyone live here anymore?! All mad people; crazy, insane, normal people of New York; I guess the mad city and mad people get along. As for me? Well this city is making me mad! And not the crazy kind!


I swear there is no such thing as quiet here! Trying to read a book? How about some traffic to make things just a bit more cozy! Along with mad city; is my mother-the whole reason I'm such here! She's doing research on the superhero 'Spiderman' and his healing powers, she says they might be able to heal anything if she could just get some of his blood she could extract his 'healing' and see what causes it "It's for the better" she kept saying. Oh my mom is a doctor by the way. She made me move all the way from ohio to New York; Eck. I hate it here I just want to go home!


Hopefully I make some friends at my new school; great because being the new kid cliche is soooooo much fun! Oh, my name is Kate, Kate Windberg. The boxes in my room are starting to annoy me; I need to put away so much and I'm well...really lazy. Ha! I'm just going to go for a walk to put it off. Jogging down stairs I run past my mom-who was unloading the tableware- saying. "Bye Ma' gonna get some fresh air" She tries to stop me but I close the door before she could get a word out.


One thing I do like about New York city is it isn't as cold as Ohio, and it is always light outside. But Because we don't live in the best part of New York I make sure I'm walking a bit fast. As I walk around time square staring at all of the big screens around me I find myself smiling. Though I hated it here, the city did have....some charm. As I sigh my breath making white fog in the air I see a man stealing some kids money. The kid was playing a cello on the side of some music store; the case of the cello was open so people could tip the kid. But this jerk bent down and gave the kid a one taking out the ten. I was walking right past it, I saw it clearly.


"Hey jerk, I just saw what you big, Give the kid his money back!" I place my hands on my hip and glare at the man. The kid stopped playing and looked up at me and the man.

"Whoa Whoa lady, I ain't take nutten'" The guy put his hands up.


"Y-Yeah you did, I had a ten in there." The kid spoke softly setting his cello down.

"Look, I don't know what kind of trick ya' two trying to play on me but ain't funny" He smirked starting to walk away.


"Look give the kid his money back you jerk" I step into his path blocking him.

"Hell no!" He growled pushing me down. I feel with an 'oof' and glared up at him.

"Hey Mr. the lady did ask you do put the money back" A deep tone said happily, it was coming from right next to me? As I look up my eyes meet with a mask, a red mask, that's hanging upside down? As I'm lost for my words the kid speaks up with a cheerful yell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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