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This one-shot is based on my own personal experiences and the things that I'm still struggling with (constant deja vu, hallucinations, feelings of being watched, helplessness, unease, the sudden inability to speak, etc.) and I felt that it'd fit well with some minor AU Naruto angst/hurt comfort.

So here we are. I'm sorry if it feels a little too personal to y'all but this is how I vent my feelings and inner workings, so yeah. Writing fanfiction with my own current situational issues is my way of coping with them I guess. (Also, I'm fine with you all knowing this stuff about me.)

But hey, Jiraiya acts more like an actual godfather in this one than a simple teacher.


Naruto Uzumaki didn't know when they came, nor when it started.

Maybe back when he was smaller. 9 or 10.

Or maybe it was when he was a little older than that. 12 or 13.

Either way, they were here now and no matter what he did, they never went away. Not even for a day.

The 14 year old had lost hours of sleep because of them, and the constant feeling of remembering something that hadn't happened yet ate away at his already fragile mind.

It was frustrating.

It was easier to remedy it back home. It was easier to keep himself from seeing them back when he was in the safety of his own apartment.

It was easier because there, there was light available at every corner. Whether it be a ceiling light, a lamp, a nightlight, even the moon or the bright lights of the village, there was always something illuminating his room and putting both his mind and his body at ease.

Now, out in the middle of nowhere, all alone because his pervert of a mentor went out to a sex club or something again, he was basically surrounded.

There wasn't enough light to chase them away and there was no sound for him to distract himself with other than his own slightly panicked breathing.

They kept coming in and out of his peripheral vision. And each time he tried to look at it, another one came to distract him somewhere else.

He saw them when his eyes were open, he saw them when his eyes were closed. It was scary. Alarming, Frustrating. Annoying.

Naruto wanted nothing but for it to end.

He really wished someone was here right now. Be it Kakashi-sensei, Sakura, Sasuke. Heck, he'd take Shino or Ton-ton if it meant that he wouldn't be alone. And Ton-ton is a freaking pig. Literally.

Taking a shaky breathe in, the teen tried to calm down before he started hyperventilating himself.

This was going to be an extremely long night. Just like the hundreds of nights before when light was inaccessible and company was unavailable.


Jiraiya POV

Tonight, in the toad sage's honest opinion, was a pretty good night.

There were a few good lookers working at the bar and one even offered him a drink on the house. What a nice, beautiful woman she was.

Still drunk on both alcohol and the three women's flirtatious glances, the super pervert stumbled down the brightly lit hallway of the inn he and his apprentice were temporarily staying at.

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