Lockers to Ice Cream

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"Um, where's Louis?" Lafayette looked at us.

"He should've been the first to show up here..." Fersen looked at the school. "Did he have a test or something?"

"I'll look for him." I handed Fersen my bag, causing him to stumble.

"Marie! What do you carry in this!"

"Rocks." I smirked and jogged up the steps of the school.

"We'll see you at my place right?!" Fersen yelled out.

"Yeah!" I looked over my shoulder and saw the two walk away. I soon slowed my jog to a fast walk. I don't want to be here for too long...

I went to check all the rooms that Louis had classes with but they were all locked and dark. I sighed and put my hands on my hips once I checked the 7 classes that Louis had. Did he go home early?  I went to my locker to see if he had left a sticky note or something that would've said he left campus.

To my surprise, there was nothing. I huffed. Where can this boy be! I looked at the lockers beside me, to my right was Fersen's and to my left was Louis'. He didn't even leave a note or anything...not even a text!...Right? I pulled out my phone and decided to see if he had texted me something.

Zero messages.

I started to text him.

"Louis, where are you, I've looked everywhere and I'm worried..."  I pressed send and waited for a reply, knowing he always responded in seconds.

I suddenly heard a buzz from his locker and a small muffle.

"Louis?" I asked his name in disbelief.

There was a larger muffle and a small thud.

"Louis!?" I went up to his locker and put in his code. I stared in disbelief as the teen, who was drenched in sweat and had a wad of paper towels in his mouth, was stuck. His arms were crammed and his legs were bent in a way that had somehow fit into the thin locker. "Hang on." I took the wad of the paper towels out of his mouth. "What happened?" I grabbed one of his arms and gave a tug.

"Owowowowow!" He cried out as I tugged. I stopped and he panted. "Maybe my legs first?" He gulped.

"Um, okay..." I tugged at one of his legs and the next thing I knew he slipped down the locker and half of his body was out.

"Ow..." He groaned as his arms and head were still in the locker.

"Hang on, you're almost out." I went to his arms, which were now straight up. I carefully turned him and got one of his arms out. "There we go." I pulled him up, which had him sit down on the tiled ground. He sniffed and rubbed his nose. "Are you alright?" I sat beside him and saw some lines on his arms. "Lemme see." I held my hand out and looked at the red lines on his arm. "How long were you in there?" He seemed to be pinched on the door and wall...

He sniffed again, this time rubbing his eyes. I frowned as I saw tears go down his face. "I don't know..." His voice was small as he tried to wipe the tears from his face. I rubbed his back, not really sure what to do next.

"Here, let's get your bag and go on a walk." I stood up and grabbed his satchel full of notebooks and pencils. I closed his locker, fixing some of the papers. "Here you go." I offered his bag and he stood up, grabbing it sadly. He put it over his arm and head and we began to walk.

He kept rubbing his eyes and sniffling as we walked. He didn't say anything and nor did I.

I wonder...

I started to walk towards an ice cream shop and he followed me like a sad puppy. We walked up to a small sitting area and he seemed to not realize where we were. "Wait here, I'll be back." He sat on an iron bench, still crying quietly.

I walked into the shop and noticed no one was in there. I walked up to the counter and ordered Louis' favorite ice cream and toppings. I was soon out of the shop and sat beside my sad friend. "Here." I showed him the cup and spoon. "Figured this might make you feel better." He stared at the cup for a moment and gently took it.

"Th-thanks..." He started to eat slowly as tears still fell down his face. I wrapped my arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder. I can see his chin quiver as he ate the dessert and watched his tears fall down onto his lap. I rubbed his shoulder and saw him take a bigger scoop of ice cream.

"You might be a bit bruised tomorrow but you should heal up fast." I saw him give a small nod and he swallowed the dessert. "At least it's the weekend right?" He nodded. "We can hang out at my place if you want. I have some movies and popcorn." I rubbed his shoulder gently and he sniffed.

I noticed his tears come to a stop after some time of silence between us. He lowered his cup and spoon to his lap and rubbed his nose. "Thanks..." I smiled and sat up, looking at him.

"Of course, you needed it." I rubbed his back. "I bet you Fersen and Lafayette are waiting for us."

"Oh..." He looked down, blush on his face. "I didn't think about them..."

"That's fine, they can wait." I stood up and soon he did as well, throwing away the cup and spoon. "Ready?" He nodded and I offered my arm playfully. He gladly took it with a faint smile and we began our walk to Fersen's place. 

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