How they react when you get a boyfriend/girlfriend

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(These are all made up names)


[Age: 18]

By this time you already ran away with the Resistance, But when he saw you with another person he was slightly upset. So this is really how it played out: 

Y/N and Mei were in their quarters getting ready for the day. Y/N grabbed their lightsaber and sighed "You alright sweetie?" Mei asked Y/N "I'm fine, Just a bit tired," Y/N said fake yawning "Oh, Alright," Mei said putting on her vest "Y/N?" Mei asked "Yes?" Y/N said, "How do you think your father would react if he did see us together?" Mei asked a bit quietly "That bastard would flip out and make me break up with you . . It's one of the reasons I ran with the Resistance" Y/N said putting their saber in their belt. Then out of nowhere the Alarms start going off "MEI GO TO YOUR SQUADRON AND GET THEM READY" Y/N yelled over the loud Sirens "ALRIGHT!" Mei said running off to her Squad. Y/N ran to the front of the large group of people standing in front of the hangar doors

"FIRE!" One of the Leaders said Y/N stayed back and waited for instructions "Y/N?" Mei asked "Yeah?" Y/N asked "I-I think your father's h-here" Mei Studderd out "He what . . ?" Y/N asked standing up from the seat "Shit . . Mei get behind me," Y/N said ask she ignited her saber "COME OUT YOU OLD MAN! IT WON'T DO YOU SHIT IF YOU HIDE" Y/N yelled as they looked around for him "Oh, How smart you got" 'Vader' said as he walked in front of Y/N "Protecting a girl I see?" Vader said when he saw Mei "Yeah? So what?" Y/N said looking back at Mei "I thought I said no relationships?" Vader said as he walked towards you "Yeah well, I ran away so the rules don't apply anymore" Y/N said glaring at him "Step away from her" Y/N said behind protective "Oh I see, You're being overprotective over her. You must love her then" Vader said as he walked away "Of course I love her, I wouldn't be in a relationship if I didn't," Y/N said smirking at him "Oh boy, Just be careful," Vader said, "You actually . . Care?" "Of course I do," Vader said smiling under his mask "Treat them well Mei, I should be going now," He says walking away from the two


[Age: 19]

"Hey, Vanessa?" You yelled to your girlfriend "Yeah?" She yelled back "I gotta go train with my mom, Be back later!" You yelled grabbing your things "Okay! Have fun Sweetie" She yelled "Thanks!" You said running off into the forest "Mom?" Y/N called out for her mother "Over here Y/N" She waved me over "Okay, You needed me?" Y/N asked "Yeah, Who's Vanessa? She seems special" Rey asked chuckling "Mom! She's uh- A friend?" You lied "Lie, Your freckles stand out when you lie!" She says pointing to your face 

"Fine! Mom, Vanessa is my . . Girlfriend" You say "Aw how cute, Ignite your saber and train" Rey said smiling "I'm proud of you getting a girlfriend, You never liked to talk to I'm glad" Rey said "Yeah, Yeah" Y/N said hitting the training droid with their lightsaber


Luke was really surprised when you got a boyfriend, He knows you don't speak to people much so he had to make sure it wasn't a trick or anything "Y/N, Can I talk to this boyfriend of yours?" Luke asked "Sure," Y/N said walking away from the two boys "Listen here, You treat my Baby with as much love and respect as the universe gives you, You hear me?" Luke said staring at the boy "Yes sir, I promise to do everything I can to make them smile and laugh as much as possible" Lariant says "Good, Now go get my baby Lariant" Luke says to him "Okay, Y/N can you come in here?"

"Yes, father?" Y/N asks "Be careful with him, Love can be horrible sometimes" Luke explains "I will, I promise" Y/N smiles "You better" He goofs around "Okay, I have to go now I'll see you both later?" Y/N says "Bye Dear!" Lariant says "Bye Kid," Luke says "Say, What do you do for a living Lariant?" Luke asks curiously "I'm a part-time bounty hunter," says Lariant "This is gonna be a long relationship" Luke sighs

Boba Fett

Y/N was getting carried by their girlfriend at the moment, Kayna was a very strong girl and Y/N was just lazy sometimes. Kayna carried Y/N on her back to Y/N's father's ship "Y/N? do you think He'll accept us?" Kayna asked worried "I mean, Sure? I dunno He accepted me when I came out as Y/S so I'm not sure about this" Y/N said as they walked up the ramp "DAD! I'M BACK!" Y/N yelled "ALRIGHT" He yelled back and he closed the ramp "See, He's chill" You reassured your Girlfriend "Yeah," Kayna said "Dad, I brought my girlfriend over, " Y/N said as she walked past the cockpit "Your Gir- Wait what?" He asked confused "Yeah, This is Kayna! My girlfriend" Y/N introduced her "Nice to meet you, sir, I heard lots about you" Kayna said, "Nice to meet you too, Mind if we have a chat?" He asked seriously "Sure," Kayna said as she walked into the cockpit

When Kayna got out she was as happy as a little puppy "Wanna go hang out in my room?" Y/N asked "Sure!" Kayna said as she picked you up and ran to your room "Ack! Kayna what are you doing?" You asked surprised "Well, Your dad likes me! He said I can date you and I will make you happy for the rest of your life!" Kayna explained "Really?! That's so awesome! He never likes anyone he meets!" Y/N said hugging her tight "I love you" Rayna said "I know" Y/N said back

Din Djarin

You don't date, You don't see what is so special about it.

Kylo Ren

Same as Din, But you also never leave the ship unless you escape but they always end up finding you.

Words: 1032

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