Hey emo

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Cc pov:
"Hey Emo" My usual bully jeered. Ignoring him and his friends I tried to just walk past them. Keyword: tried. Obviously it would just be to fucking nice if they didn't beat me up today, so that's exactly what they did. I felt a fist connect with my face, a knee collide with my ribs. Someone flipped my legs out from underneath me and I ended up laying down in the grass in front of the school. With 5 people beating me up, just another Monday.

After another 5 minutes of them beating me up, apparently they decided they were done with me. How kind of them. They got up leaving me there bleeding on the grass. I prepared myself for the pain of getting up, the first couple minutes is always the worst. After that your body kinda adjusts to the pain. I would know. As I struggled to get up I saw my friends Jake and Juliet run over to help me. Yay!

"Dude, can't you be on school grounds 5 minutes without getting beat up" Jake joked and gripped my elbow, pulling me up. A giant flash of pain in my ribs and then I felt pretty much okay. Besides the shooting pain throughout my entire body of course (sense the sarcasm yet?). "Cc they are really gonna hurt you one of these days" Juliet said worriedly, flicking off some bullies.

I don't know why but Juliet never got bullied. Probably because she could kick some serious ass and she was a girl. Those bullies were jerks but they never actually hit girls. Quite the gentlemen. Somehow she managed to just fly underneath the radar. "Whatever, lets just get to class" I sighed dusting myself off. Juliet sighed, obviously not happy that I was not going to do anything but helped me up and walked me to class without another word.

I sat alone at my desk, Juliet sitting at another desk across the room with her lab partner Spencer. He was in some band, "Ice Nine Kills" I think they called. Honestly I wasn't really sure, he kind of kept to himself and I was to shy to initiate any type of conversation. Every time I moved pain racked my body, making me wince. I could see Juliet looking at me nervously, but quickly getting distracted and forgetting about me the second Spencer said anything. Class seemed like it would never end. Ever. Of course, I had the desk right by the window so in the winter it was freezing and in the warm months it was absolutely boiling. Can't you tell my good luck already? Finally the bell rang, immediately I tried to get up but found it harder than I had anticipated. Eventually everyone else had left but me, leaving me and the teacher alone in the room. Fun! "Mr. Mora? Are you okay? You seemed tense all day and now you can barely get up" my teacher, Mr. Cerulli questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine! Can you just help me up" I grumbled, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

He just sighed sadly and helped me up and guided me to the door. "If anyone else beats you up please tell me" he whispered in my ear before slamming his door behind me. Just as I started to make my way to the lunch room-limping- Juliet came sprinting down the hallway. "OMG CC! I'm sorry, I totally forget you got hurt and then you didn't come to lunch and I remembered" she hugged me apologizing furiously. "Juliet it's fine, don't worry. Your not my babysitter" I mumbled, not wanting her to feel bad. Because she wasn't my babysitter, I couldn't rely on her and my other friends. "Lets head to English now" I grinned and started to walk to the class, the chains on my pants clanking together. "Hey guys! Ready for some serious language arts" My friend Andy called out to me and Juliet from his locker. He had a crazy crush on Juliet and i knew seeing Juliet and Spencer together tore him up inside. Personally, I thought Juliet and Andy would be WAY cuter then Juliet and Spencer.

We just joked around and laughed all the way to English, until we got there and realized that we were 15 minutes late and Mr. Cerulli had not written me a pass. Shit fuck. "We could just skip the rest of the day" Andy suggested. Both me and Juliet agreed-obviously. All three of us headed to our usual "Skipping" hideout. This super old abandoned locker room in this super old wing of the school. No one really bothered us there, we called it the "Band Cave". We ended up skipping all the way to lunch, just drinking soda and eating twizzlers in the "Band Cave". Andy smoked a little bit and I really couldn't stand it, but what could I do about it? I'd already told him about how I feel about him smoking and he tried to smoke less in front of me. Pretty soon it was time for lunch so we got up and made our way to the cafeteria. At my table there was me, Jake, Jinxx, Juliet, Ashley. They are my only and best super amazing friends.

I honestly had no idea what I would do without them. They basically saved me! We all had each other's backs, even me. After lunch school flew by quickly because I had all the easy classes, Music, Art, Gym and a special class just for drummers. I was lucky because our small school just picked up the class last year and I had played drums since I was like 11. I went home and did my homework, actually trying on very few assessments. My mom brought up dinner, Chicken Alfredo up to my room just as I started to work on my drum kit. Quickly, I took a break so I could devour her delicious food. If there was one thing my mom could do it was cook . Around 11 I decided to call it a night and pulled in a KISS shirt and some Black Pajama pants. Just as I was about to turn the lights off I could have sworn I saw something across the room.

The hair on my arms stood up and I suddenly felt uneasy, I'm sure I didn't see anything. A couple minutes later and nothing else had happened, im sure I was just seeing things. Eventually I talked my body into letting me sleep, just as I was about to fall asleep I felt a sharp stinging pain on the side of my neck. I was about to get up and go check it out but it quickly subsided so I just decided to check it in the morning, quickly falling asleep.

Hi guys! This book is being written by the original writer and owner of the account. Please rate and vote! My goal is to make each chapter at least 1000 words long if not more. Right now I have about 6 chapters done. SLOW UPDATES

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