Johnathan Atlas

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Real Name: Johnathan Theodore Atlas
Alias(es): Johnny
Detective Atlas
Detective Johnathan
Mr Atlas
Detective Johnny
Army Brat
Big Brother
Navy Man
Brave Son
War Man
Darling Boy
Handsome Boy
Drinking Buddy
Fitness Partner
Jess' Babe
Mr Smith
Johnny Hammer
Immortal Bastard
The War Her
Species: Human
Citizenship: American
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 16th 1978 (37)
Date of Death: 2002 (revived by IGH)
Creators: Dr Karl Malus (IGH)
Title(es): Detective
Navy Commander (Navy Ranking)
Affiliation: Navy Seal (Honourably Discharged)
New York City Police Department
Status: Alive

Portrayed By: Jensen Ackles
Dylan Everett (young)

Johnathan grew up with his family moving from army base to army base, making him quick on his feet and friendly, having to make new friends every few months. However, Johnathan can be pretty blunt and sarcastic with his witty remarks about other people. Having joined the navy much like his father, Johnny became disciplined and increased his loyalty to his family and those he cared about. Johnathan is a clever man, using his cunning and strategic mind in dire situations when he was in the army, and it helps Atlas in the streets of New York. Atlas is a calm and collected person in even the most dangerous of situations, making him a tough person and somewhat stubborn, which annoys his partner. However, if given a good enough argument will support others' thinking. Johnny can be too serious at work, which unnerves his co-workers, though they respect him and his honesty and encouraging words. He's hard to anger, showing his caring side, but when those he deems important to him, he will protect them with his life, and even his mother would say he may become slightly possessive, like with his ex-girlfriend, though they are still close if not a little rocky.

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: A private research corporation known as IGH revived Johnathan Atlas from a fatal gunshot that killed him. IGH used genome editing to stimulate healing through advanced cellular regeneration. Johnny's cells developed a new biological structure in response to the extensive bodily trauma suffered. Through rare interaction with specific DNA strands, the procedure not only imbued him with life once more but granted him superhuman powers as an unintended side-effect.
Immortality: Johnathan Atlas gained the ability to never die after his time in the IGH facility, though he can age as he is not fully immortal. His immortality only works on fatal wounds as he has to die and will be resurrected; being killed takes a toll on Johnny, making his PTSD worse every time he dies.
Enhanced Healing Factor: Johnny can heal artificial wounds like minor cuts within a few minutes, though large wounds may take up to a couple of hours, and he can grow back limbs, though it seems to work faster after his death.
Enhanced Stamina: Johnathan had large amounts of stamina even before the procedure, and it was improved tremendously; he usually works out or goes for long runs while dealing with his PTSD; he once ran for a whole night and went into work in the morning as if nothing, not even feeling fatigued and went swimming after work.
Enhanced Durability: Johnny can put up a good fight, and he can take multiple hits as a trained soldier; it increased thanks to his immortality, though he can still feel the pain.

Expert Marksman: As a former soldier, Johnathan trained with guns and became an excellent shot, and as a New York Detective, he sometimes has to use his firearm. Johnny takes good care of his guns, having his service piece and two personal ones, which he cleans regularly and makes his own bullets for his two personal ones. He's an accurate shot, even able to use a sniper rifle and get a clean shot from over 1000ft away, though he's trained hard and doesn't like to shoot people, especially after he left the army.
Master Combatant: Johnathan's training in the navy and in the field makes him an expert, he can hold his own against anymore and is extremely strong for a human, and it has nothing to do with his enhanced abilities. Johnny teaches disarming, and self-defence classes to women and police officer's on his personal time as he prefers non-lethal attacks, only ever drawing his weapon if needed.
Torture & Interrogation: Johnathan, having been held hostage, has first-hand experience in torture, having been subject to all types of interrogation techniques, and hates to use his knowledge against anyone. Johnny's partner commends him for his interrogation techniques as he never uses violence and has a high arrest rating among other police officers.
Strategising & Survival Tactics: Johnathan learned to use his crafty mind to lead his men through challenging and life-threatening situations with strategic thinking and survival tactics. Johnny keeps up to date with survival tactics and first aid, keeps bags for every occasion around his apartment for emergencies, and has only ever used them once when the city was attacked.
Mechanic: Johnathan sometimes struggles with PTSD from his time in the army and finds it calming when he fixes up classic cars and his motorbike in his spare.
Cooking: Johnathan is an excellent cook, always making his own breakfast and lunches; his partner joked that he would make a good househusband with how good his food tastes.

GLOCK 19: Johnathan's official on-duty weapon is a Glock, and he keeps it at work in his locked desk drawer.
Beretta M9: Johnny keeps this gun hidden in his apartment in a hidden secure safe somewhere in his apartment and only uses it for protection.
GLOCK 17: Johnathan uses this as a backup piece; he carries it as a concealed weapon, as he likes to know he can protect himself and others if need be.

Motorbike: Johnny takes great pride in his bike and drives it to work every day.
Police Car: Johnathan hates driving the car most of the time, letting his partner drive, though they take it in turns.

Other Equipment
Cellphone: Johnathan can't live without his phone and gets the latest model every time he upgrades, though he barely uses it when he's on stakeouts or at work.
Laptop: Johnny takes his laptop with him to work as he uses it primarily for work and sometimes takes it with him on stakeouts as he plays RPG games, much to his partner's annoyance.
Business Card: Johnathan has a card with his name, precinct and number for those that need to contact him when on a case; he rarely hands them unless he sees that they are critical witnesses or a victim of a crime.
Notepad: Johnny keeps his pad in his jacket pocket, taking notes of information and theories when on a case; he also uses it to doodle on the bottom of the page when thinking or bored on stakeouts.

15th Precinct Police Station: Johnny spends most of his time in the precinct than his apartment, finding it a place away from home, though he may be a homicide detective.
NYPD Crime Laboratory: Johnny's ex-girlfriend works in the lab and avoids it as best as possible, making his partner pick up and drop off any evidence.
Atlas Residence: Johnny left home at 17 and joined the army; he still has a room waiting for him at his old childhood home in the suburbs where his parents still live.
Johnathan Atlas' Apartment Building: The apartment building is ten blocks from the police station.
Johnathan Atlas' Apartment: Johnny barely stays in his apartment, opting to stay at the precinct or go for a jog.

Ethan Atlas - Father
Gwendolyn Atlas - Mother
Charles Atlas - Brother

Johnathan has dark green eyes, light freckles on his face and short-cropped Ivy-league hair that is dark blond. He stands 6'1", which is taller than his younger brother Charles. Johnathan is noted to be 'handsome' or even 'pretty' by other people, some he notes as jealous.
Johnny typically wears clothes, tight jeans and shirts with his leather jacket and sometimes a hoodie; he has a thing for sneakers and trainers, finding them comfortable. But at work he wears nice suits that make him look professional, even smart leather shoes, he has a nice overcoat to match, he likes using sharp colours.

Johnny likes to cool down by exercising, reading books on sci-fi, watching horror movies, fixing cars, and listening to rock music.
Johnathan likes getting up early - if he goes to sleep - he has a routine.
Johnathan is a drinker, but not as bad as Jessica; his vice is poker, coffee and pancakes.
Johnathan hates hot summers, reminding him of his time in the navy.
Johnny suffers from nightmares due to his PTSD.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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