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warning: mentions of sex

her fingers were shaking as they made their way toward the dial of the phone; her other hand wrapped around the smooth plastic of the phone itself, slowly bringing it up to her ear.

she hesitated.

she couldn't do it. what was she thinking? she scanned her eyes over to the alarm clock on the far side of the desk. it was 10:45. he was probably sleeping by now.

who was she kidding, he wasn't sleeping. but still, this was crazy. her heart was beating faster and she could feel her anxiety slowly begin to replace that intense feeling deep inside of her.

all the thoughts that were racing through her mind only ten minutes ago was what led her to this moment. it started with her laying in bed, trying her hardest to drift off to sleep. she never usually went to sleep at this time, but for some reason she decided she should go to sleep earlier; clearly that plan failed. as she lied there, eyes closed, hoping that familiar wave of exhaustion would wash over her, she began to think of him.

she always thought of him.

johnny lawrence, the most intimidating and attractive boy at school; and also her boyfriend of almost 10 months.

they'd been friends for awhile, their friendship beginning the day they were assigned partners in anatomy. she always had her eye on him before then, like almost every girl did. but unbeknown to her, he felt the same. so when they were able to actually get to know each other that day, it was the best day of both of their lives. she was a bit nervous at first, johnny had a reputation that everyone knew about, but when she started to get to know him that very first day he was anything but that; and she fell fast.
he was charming and funny, and very sweet to her, he was also very nervous. johnny found that she was the only person he ever felt like that with. she was the only person he ever felt that way for.

even before they became boyfriend and girlfriend, and even best friends, he knew he was in love with her. and that's how he confessed his feelings to her, after 3 months of being friends. he told her he was in love with her. and it was completely true. she was the only person he truly cared so much for. the only person that made him feel as happy as he did. the only person he felt like he could truly be himself around. he'd do anything for her. he wanted to always be there for her. he wanted to be better for her. he wanted to be with her so desperately that he couldn't just tell her he liked her, he had to tell her the whole truth. he was in love with her. and when she told him she felt the same he felt like everything was finally right in his life. she made him feel complete.

and she felt the same way. she loved him so much, of course she always thought about him. but tonight, her thoughts were different.

it started out with the usual. she would think about him; his face, his laugh, the stupid jokes he would tell her, the way he looked when he would talk about his passions, like karate, or her. she thought about the sweet things he would say to her, the way his face would light up whenever he saw her, the way he'd call her beautiful every day, the way he'd tell her how much he loved her, the way his hands, that were always so warm in contrast to her cold ones, would fit perfectly in hers. the feeling of his hands on her shoulders, around her waist whenever he'd hug her from behind, the feeling of them on her face whenever they'd kiss. she always thought about them kissing.

she loved kissing him, it was one of her favorite things. the way his soft lips collided with hers and the way they'd always move with hers in perfect timing; almost as if they were made for each other. she thought about him kissing her passionately; making up her own little scenario in her mind. the feeling of him running his hands through her hair and slowly moving them down the rest of her body.

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