Our destiny can changed.......

508 23 31

Fluff with a slight of angst? I think

Pretty short update it's kinda mess I'm sorry

I'm sorry if all of the scene we're very fast i tried to make it longer cause this was supposed to be short

Enjoy reading this everybody!!


Jungkook's P.o.v

"Just go and take a picture with him!" Jimin keep pushing me to go to the basketball player i like taehyung is his name....

"Hyung it's gonna be awkward" i said to him but he didn't stop he just pushed me more to taehyung

"Hey taehyung!" He greeted him "oh hi" taehyung greeted him back  "my friend wants to take a picture with you" he said to him taehyung look at me he smiled before looking back at jimin "Sure!" He said

Jimin squeled  i smile shyly , taehyung went beside me before putting his arms around my shoulder my heart beated faster when he did it but i shrugged it off and put my hands around his waist

"Okay 1.....2.....3....smile!!" Jimin said and we smiled

"Okay it's cute!" Jimin said i look at taehyung before saying " T-thank youu!" I said he nodded before patting my head and leaving now i stared at him when he reached at his friends

I can't hide my smile as i admire him from afar  "Quit staring the person will melt" i heard jimin hyung said i slapped his arm before rolling my eyes "it's your fault!" I said to him and pouted "my fault?! You should thank me for doing that! Tss" he said and flipped his hair  before draggimg him outside the basketball court

Currently I'm listening to the teacher but i felt really sleepy since i stay up all night to just reviewed for the upcoming quiz

I couldn't stop myself from sleeping so i just slept now  not even bothering if the teacher scold me when i wake up

Taehyung's P.o.v

"Okay class dismissed!!"the teacher said before leaving the room

I fix my stuffs i was about to leave but i noticed someone who is sleeping not so far from my desk, i approached the guy i look closely and realized it was jungkook

I chuckled "such a sleepy head" i whispered before sitting down beside him and admiring his face i will admit it he was kinda cute i smile before caressing his hair

I admire his face for 10 minutes and he woke up he looked around and panic he wiped his mouth and whispered something that i cleatly hear

"How long did i sleep? Fuck fuck" he said. "stop cursing" i said he looked at me shocked "w-why are y-you here?" He ask i chuckled at his cuteness

"I didn't want to leave you here alone so I stayed until you wake up" i said casually to him he nodded "oh my i didn't take notes oh my how am i supposed to study?" He ask himself

I took out my notebook and handed it to him "here borrow mine you can 
return it to me once you finish it" i said to him and smiled 

He was hesitating to grab it but he sigh and didn't have a choice so he grabbed it "t-thank you" he said before standing up i stood up too and he bid his goodbye to me before leaving now

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