Chapter 8

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Vriska looks longingly at John before walking home. He is busy looking at the lights, so he doesn't notice her at all.

As soon as she gets home, Dave's bro wonders where Dave is.

"Why the fuck would I know? I left without him." She says, slamming the door and locking it. "Its all hopeless..." She thinks. She begins crying and punching her bed.

Some time later, she falls asleep to the comfort of her own thoughts and memories.

As soon as she wakes up, Vriska realizes life isn't good without some people. To her, John was one of those people. And she feels like the reality of the entire incident makes her feel...guilty. Guilty to everything. She isn't the nice, imaginative person that John once knew as his matesprit, but is now a depressive bitch who is alone.

Pretty soon enough, she has her first science test.

"The hummingbirds all can fly in any different direction, which is odd for such a small animal." The teacher says. Vriska is unaware of john staring at her. H-hummingbird? He wonders if this is a clue locked up in his memories to deciphering this lock of his mind.

That night, Vriska goes on pesterchum to find everyone wondering what's happening with and to her. She sadly replies nothing to anyone and takes a switchblade out from under her bed. Like the depressed bitch she is, she begins cutting her arm, drawing blood.

Meanwhile, John looks at her pesterchum account unnoticed. Why hasn't she changed her relationship status? Changed it away It says she was dating John Egbert. Suddenly, a vision of a laughing, beautiful, blue-eyed girl comes back to him.
"Is that her?" He wonders. He suddenly remembers walking with hands closed around another persons'. Its the same girl! He looks at one word it says on there, and remembers everything.

That word is the word love.

EB (ectobiologist) began pestering AG (arachnidsGrip) at ??:??

EB: vriska!?!?
EB: answer me!
AG: im so sorry
AG: you d8dn't remem8er
AG: 8nd now my h8rt and wrists sting
AG: ...

AG stopped trolling EB.

"Ohgodohgodohgod!" John says. He calls 911 and direct them to Dave's apartment.

"Why do you need an ambulance?" The operator asks.

"My friend cut herself, and I'm pretty sure it's serious..." John says, breathing heavily and panicking.

"We will be there as fast as we can. Don't worry, your friend will be in safe care. " Within an hour, the rolls are reversed, and this time its Vriska in the intense care unit. John feels as though his life will be over if Vriska dies...

He sits outside the room with a card for Vriska that he bought for her birthday, which is today. But he never expected that he'd forget her . Ever. So he just waits.

Eventually, the doctors come out and say she's gonna be okay. Without showing his ecstaticness, he gives the card to the doctors who give it to her, as he isn't allowed inside.

John goes past Dave's house where it has two hospital cars. He walks by Rose's house, where it looks like somebody, probably Rose, waved to him.

When he gets home ,he sits in his bed and stares at the ceiling. "Its my fault for having amnesia in the first place." He thinks. "This is what comes out of forgetting your girlfriend and everything about her. But you will make it up to her."

He sighs. "Well, at least she's getting better."

Two Weeks Later...

AG (arachnidsGrip) began trolling EB (ectobiologist) at ??:??

AG: Hey john!!!!!!!!
AG: How's 8 going?
EB: good with you talking to me!
EB: I'm sorry I got amnesia.
AG: You shouldn't 8e sorry for that! Its my fault for overre8cting. The doctors say I get out in a week.
EB: okay! Can't wait to see you there!
AG: Okay! 8ye!!!!!!!!! *kisses*
EB: *blushes* bye!!!
AG ceased trolling EB at ??:??

Man do you love that girl.

Welp, that's the end of that. I'm honestly proud of this. Tell me what you think in the comments below. The cutting and depression that vriska had in the story, sadly, is from my experience, so please be nice in the comments. And check out the original story, Humming8irds by Arachnids8itch.
Note: I'm actually not quite sure where the story went.

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