There Be Dragons

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Written by Kevfilm2x2

Directed by Zigwolf

A television screen turns as news story coverage titled "Discovery of the Century". Archeologists are everywhere, digging it up what appears to be a skeletal structure.

This is a wonderful discovery of the century. What we are looking at is an actual dragon skull. How did you guys come across this

It was really surprising how something so mythical would exist in our world. Who knows what else could have existed

Thanks to this discovery, the mayor of bellwood is now making a grand opening in Bellwood museum to where everyone could observe this ancient fossil.

(Cuts ribbons)
I now declare the grand exhibit opened!

The MAYOR cuts the red ribbons as everyone goes within to see the dragon skull

The TV Screen pauses at the dragon skull as bunch of Forever Knights watch the news coverage on a large TV screen. A large Forever King clad in green and grey armor watches in amazement.

Lord Impericus, it seems they found it before we did

So it seems, time to take a trip to the museum.

Meanwhile, many people enter the museum as the tennysons and cooper enter the grand opening of the museum as well. The look around as they see the dragon skull displayed within a large glass.

Wow! A real dragon skull!

I'll say

This looks like it was centuries years of age.

I just wondered what it would be like to see one for reals.

BEN then starts fantasizing to himself, clad in shiny armor, riding a dragon. He sees JULIE falling from a castle, dressed in a pink dress and wearing a small golden crown. BEN then pulls the reigns, turning the dragon upwards in blinding speed. JULIE is then caught BEN's arms as the dragon flies straight at a slower speed.

Hail to your hero, baby.

BEN leans forward as he is about to kiss JULIE. Things then start shattering to pieces snaps back to reality, revealing GWEN giving off a disgusted expression. BEN has nearly kissed GWEN in the lips. Things are silent as MAX scratches his head in confusion while COOPER starts laughing.

Uh........Oh look a gift shop.

BEN points to a gift shop, he immediately goes there as GWEN shakes her head and rolls her eyes in annoyance, following BEN. MAX and COOPER do the same.

Heh, I wonder if they have any delicious treats.

Let's find out.

Everyone enters he gift shop, but unknown to them a suspicious looking man in a trench coat walks up to the glass of the dragon skull, taking photos of it.
His cell starts ringing as he pulls it out and answers.

I have the photos just like you asked me

good......Now go after Tennyson. Don't get spotted.

(Hangs up cell)
will do

At the gift shop, MAX is looking at a bunch lollipops with insects inside of them.

Wow they sell these here, I haven't seen these in twenty years.

MAX takes all the lollipops to the cashier

(To a cashier)
Excuse me, I want to buy all these and any you have in the back.

The Cashier gives a two thumbs up and heads to the backroom. MAX later takes one with a scorpion inside and removes the plastic.

(Puts one in his mouth)
You kids are in for a treat, The trick to eating these are to lick around the insect. You bite through and you only get parts of the insect instead of the whole bug

Great, Just what we need

GWEN holds her mouth, as if about to vomit in disgust. As COOPER and BEN look around. BEN heads to the toy isle as he sees a bunch of Hero Buddy Merchandise.

.........will my nightmare ever end.....

BEN Continues within the toy isle as he notices a new toy figure. This is displayed in a coming soon display. This figure has an octopus for a head, wearing jeans, carrying a sword, a blaster, and a golden gauntlet. BEN presses a button.

I, evil lord Squiddy Baddy, will come to take your kawakimon!

This supposed to be Vilgax? Looks nothing like him! It's almost as if these people didn't watch the original source before making these things.

The man in the trench from earlier hide behind a corner, taking pictures of everyone. All of a sudden an explosion occurs. Forever Knights enter the museum.

Take over this place! Impericus wants the Dragon claw intact!

Ben and co. run to the incident.

(activates the omnitrix)
Finally! Some action!

BEN twists and turns the dial of his watch, later making a selection. He slams his omnitrix causing a bright green light. He grows yellow fur all over his body. His bottom jaws grow into tusks. His omnitrix develops on his head. He goes on all fours and squeels.

Everyone gets ready and follows BEN, but MAX's wheel gets stuck.

You guys deal with them, I'll try to catch up.

BEN and Co. leave as max tries to loosen his wheelchair, but he then notices a man following them.
The Forever Knights further walk into the museum as security guards rushes to face the Forever Knights.


The Knights look at each other as they whip out energy axes, slashing their clubs and beating them to the ground.

This is security? pathetic.

Hold off this area and clear off any security.

The Forever Knights secures most of the museum until suddenly an explosion of concrete splatters them.

I don't know why you guys are here But I'll make sure you're roadkill.

Who are you?

You can call me, Roadhog!

Deal with that smelly swine! I'll go after the prize.

The Knights whip out their energy axes and charge at ROADHOG

Time to make porkchops out of you!

ROADHOG charges at them, sending them all flying with sheer force as The CAPTAIN with some Knights escorts arrive at the Dragon Skull Display. The Captain then shatters the glass the display, now closer to it.

Finally, Impericus will be most pleased.

GWEN and COOPER later appears, levitating the knights and tossing them to each other.

You're gonna have to get through us.
The CAPTAIN snaps his fingers as the knights charge forward at GWEN and COOPER as The CAPTAIN moves more forward to the Dragon Skull.

COOPER disarms the energy axes, turning them into two blaster pistols. COOPER then stuns the knights with his blaster pistol one by one while GWEN karate kicks everyone and blasts magic at them.

The CAPTAIN places a cable on the dragon skull. Then concrete is sent flying towards him, as he sees ROADHOG charges through the wall, with some Knights still on his back.

That the best you got?

Not really, for we are not interested in you. But seeing as you simpletons are in my way.

The CAPTAIN ignites his energy axe as ROADHOG charges at him. The CAPTAIN leaps over ROADHOG. ROADHOG turns around tries stomping on him, but the Captain slides underneath him, slashing one of his foot. ROADHOG tries stomping him again, but he dodges and slashes the other foot.

The other knights fire their cables at ROADHOG, stopping him in place. ROADHOG still charges with the knights still holding their cables on him. ROADhog is nearly close to the CAPTAIN who then punches his snout, which allows the other knights to reel in ROADHOG, restraining him. The Knights have already stopped him fully.

Ah, such a strong swine you are. Impericus will be pleased with me when I bring back two prizes.

The CAPTAIN sharpens his axe, ready to chop Roadhog. Then suddenly an energy wave is shot at the CAPTAIN. COOPER blasts the other knights with his blaster, then cutting the lines holding while climbing on top of Roadhog.

Yeeh! HAH! mush piggy!

ROADHOG glares at Cooper

I mean......Ride em cowboy?

Whatever, let's just kick their buts

ROADHOG charges the other knights while COOPER starts shooting all of them on his back.

The CAPTAIN wakes up, seeing his knights getting battered by the duo. He ignites his energy axe, ready to fight. Then, all of a sudden, he receives a kick in the face by GWEN. She releases a surge of blue magic on her hands, She charges at the CAPTAIN, ready to strike.

ROADHOG and COOPER have managed to deal with the knights, also charging the CAPTAIN from behind, with COOPER arming his blaster.

Surround, Captain then flies in the air, dodging their attack. ROADHOG stops, almost nearly ramming GWEN.

Enough games.......Impericus will grow impatient if we don't hand him the fossil. If I can't get the full set, this will have to settle it. KNIGHTS! RETREAT!!!

The CAPTAIN slices a pieces of the dragon skull as the other Knights activate their wing packs, following the captian. The captain then looks down at the trio

Just remember..........Impericus is expecting you.

He then flies away, with the fossil piece still at his hand.

Hmmm....Didn't know these guys could fly?

Must have been how they came over here so quickly

ROADHOG's omnitrix starts bleeping, causing him to turn back to BEN in a red flash. With COOPER still on his back, He collapse from his heavy weight.

Gah! Get off me!

(Gets off)

(Dusts his jacket)
Seriously you need to lose some weight.

COOPER pouts as Max Tennyson comes in on his wheel chair.

You guys ok?

Yes.......I just wondering what they are going to do with the fossil.

Everyone shrugs as MAX eyes the stranger in the trench near the corner, still taking pics. He then disappears from sight leaving MAX with great suspicion.

Ben and Co. are later at the Rust Bucket as they piece together what the forever knights are doing.

I wonder what they would want to do with an ancient fossil dragon claw?

I don't know, But I don't want to wait to find out. You guys better get going.

Everyone but MAX head outside of the rust bucket, MAX pulls eats a bug lollipop.


So you think teleport us to the Forever Knight's hidden base?

I wish I could, but I need to track them. So far, they didn't leave any trails for me to track.

Hey, I have an idea?


COOPER then pulls out a gadget. He activates it, which opens up into a screen. He turns it on and points it to the sky.

We can follow their heat trail. Why don't you turn into piggy?

My new alien?

Yes, like that we can have a ride.

BEN Turns into Roadhog as COOPER Immediately jumps on his back.

You're enjoying this are you?

Just shut up and take us to the end of the trail.

GWEN hops onto Roadhog.


I'm not horse you know!

ROADHOG dashes in great speed, smashing through trees with ease.

Now this is what I call Piggyback riding.

No this one is called Roadhog!

At the hidden base of the forever knights, the Captain hands over the piece of the dragon skull to IMPERICUS

You have done me well Captain Dagonet.

What do you think we should do with it?

We may begin the experiment.

Scientists then emerge from the background, as they start setting up machinery for the experiment.

ROADHOG continues dashing in the road. He still smells the air, while COOPER looks into the sky with his screen.

We heading the right direction?

Smoke trail is getting lower

I smell something stronger up ahead.

Then we should be getting closer then.

ROADHOG enters a heavily wooden area. He sheers through the rough bushes and branches, as the heat trail gets lower and lower. ROADHOG walks underneath a branch, GWEN pushes it away then lets go, accidently smacks cooper off.

(Grabs mouth) Tongue

Come on cooper, Quit playing around.

Easy for you to say

COOPER then looks at his device, showing the heat trail has lowered

I think they landed here

Now it's my turn.

GWEN gets off of ROADHOG and grabs a few blades of grass. She rubs the blades together and blows at them. Her eyes glow blue as the grass start turning into the shapes of knights. ROADHOG and Co. follow the grass.

ROADHOG and Co. enters further into the forest, seeing a large lush green hillside. Roadhog bores his tusks into the soil, revealing a metallic wall behind it.

Looks like we found their base.

ROADHOG then turns back to BEN in a red flash, turning back into Ben.

How do we get in.

Allow me to help you guys with that.

GWEN claps her hands together, recites a hand sign, and shouts "Teleportas Magnifica". The Trio are within t

That was awesome

GWEN grabs her head in pain, then shakes it off.

But we are exposed, won't we get caught?

GWEN inhales air, in and out, in and out. She then blows a soft tornado at them, including herself As they lose their lines and turn invisible

(looks at hand)
Whoa,When could you do this?

4 years ago.

So you were the one that took my last donut

(Shushes Ben)
Be quiet, someone's coming.

Two of Impericus's Knights soon appear, they walk pass them hardly even noticing them.
The Forever Knights enter the door, unbeknowest to them, so do the trio.

Just keep this in mind. This cloaking spell will only last 3 minutes.

Alright then.

Let's split up for now, we need to figure out what they're up to.


The trio split up into different areas to cover more ground..

Meanwhile, Impericus is standing next to the scientist. Observing them taking DNA samples from the fossil piece, then creating Embroyonic eggs.

I am very pleased with your work.

Thank you my liege.

You said that you've manage to rapidly grow some. May I see them?

(Opens a door)

The Scientist leads Impericus to a large chamber, where the knights are restraining five aggrevated orange dragons.

They are so magnificent.

Thanks to Accelerated growth rates we've implanted into their genes, we've manage to grow them adults.

Good, when do we get more.

Scientist: Well it's slow process, we've only to grow five. They cannot produce eggs without a male.

So you are telling me these are female?

Yes lord, however, if we get the genetic codes right from one of the within the embryos, there's a chance we can get a male.

Perfect, Get it done now. I want these beasts trained, And I want that male aswell. Once you completed, I'd want you to give them some steroid boosts. I want myself a war beast.

Meanwhile, Ben and Co. have managed to cover more ground.
Gwen sees some knights loading up some crates.

(Presses her ear phone)
Come in Ben, I see a bunch of knights loading some crates. What are you guys doing?

I am somewhere in the room, It smells too. Cooper?

Cooper is somewhere at the cafeteria, where all the knights are dining.

Just spying some knights.........mmmmm.....deviled eggs.

Sometimes I don't get you. Tennyson out

Impericus and the scientist are going into a much larger room

Is he ready?

Yes....but......He is acting dangerously agressive......he may kill you

Then he's perfect for me.

As soon as he opens the door, a bunch of knights are sent flying towards him. many knights trying to restrain the larger green male. But with is immense size and strength, he tosses everyone around like rag dolls..

We're sorry my lord, we are bringing many arms. But he won't stop. We're trying to muzzle.....

(Impericus sways his hands, in a sign of ordering them to be silent.)
I'll deal with him......release the restraints.....

The Knights look at him, then each other showing fear.

Impericus: Do it!!

They immediately release the male from his restraints, The Green dragon roars loudly. Which causes Ben to hear it.

Hold up, I think I heard something.

The Dragon roars, shooting flames out of his mouth. Then glares down at IMPERICUS, challenging him for dominance. They both slowly approach each other as the Dragon continues glaring him.

Ben Tennyson walks into the room.

(Looks at the Dragon)
Um, Guys, You aren't gonna believe this.....


The Forever King is challenging.........a dragon....

The Dragon growls at IMPERICUS, as IMPERICUS ignites his battle axe. The Dragon lunges at IMPERICUS, but he dodges. The Dragon whips IMPERICUS with its tail, sending him backwards. The Dragon then shoots flames at IMPERICUS, but he blocks the flame with his cape. The Dragon lunges again, but IMPERICUS jumps on his back. IMPERICUS then pinches the dragon, causing the dragon to roar in pain. IMPERICUS then dismounts his dragon, petting its snout.

You see.....there's nothing to be afraid of....I am a Dragon Breaker.

As IMPERICUS continues petting the dragon, the dragon looks behind impericus. He sees a hot humanoid in his vision, which is BEN TENNYSON. The Dragon roars in anger and charges at him.

(Jumps back and Runs)
Uh oh!

BEN runs away with the Dragon in pursuit behind him. The dragon breaths fire, burning off the invisibity spell, exposing BEN to the forever knights.

Uh.....Guys....I think I have a problem.

The Dragon bites BEN by his hood, lifting him up to IMPERICUS.

My my my, If it isn't Benjamin Tennyson.

Ummmm.......Hey there.....I came at a wrong time, so how's about you let me go?

enough talk! I know you didn't came alone. where are the others?

Well I can't

Why not?

I don't know.......Can't see them.

You play me like a fool? You're dead meat for my new pet if you don't tell me where they are.

Then all of a sudden a blast is shot at the Dragon, causing the dragon to drop BEN.

A Blue auro surround BEN, causing him to levitate. He is then placed on the ground gently as GWEN and COOPER's invisibility spell wear off.

We're all here!

Ah, If it isn't the Ben's cousin..........The fat one......who are you?

MY name's Cooper Daniels! AND I"M NOT FAT!!!!!!!!

Your gonna wish you were not, for your the perfect meal for my new pet........ATTACK!!!!

the knights and dragon begin attacking Ben and Co. Gwen Fights Impericus, Ben is chased by the dragon, while cooper fights off the knights.

Hey Turn into Roadhog again so we can beat them!

I'm not letting you ride me again!.....Besides, I'd be porkchops against this thing!

The Dragon continues chasing him as Impericus Orders the others knights to load the eggs in the trucks and mount the dragons.

GWEN blasts magic at the dragon, but to her surprise, the Dragon is hardly phased. GWEN is confused as she continues to fight IMPERICUS.
The Dragon then catches up and stomps on BEN, ready to breath fire.

(Flips open his watch)
Come on....Give me something good!

Ben slams his watch down, his body liquefies into water, turning into an Alien made entirely out of water.

Whoa, This is new?

The ALIEN escapes from the Dragon's grasp, but the dragon chomps his head, picking him up and shaking. The surrounds the head of the dragon with water, forcing him to spit out the Alien.

I like this guy

Yeah, You're a tidal wave


The dragon shoots flames at VITAL, causing vital wave to boil. He then sprays his water boiled water body at the dragon, the dragon however is still not phased.

GWEN kicks away a knight and approaches IMPERICUS

Ah, Gwen. You and Tennyson here fighting with me? how glorious it is to fight one of Ben's little nuisance..

(Hands glow blue with magic)
What are you up to?

World domination, power, you should know this by now.

Why am I not surprised. What gives, how come my magic doesn't work on the dragon?

That's what I want to know

She charges at Impericus, throwing balls of explosive blue energy. IMPERICUS pulls out his Battle Axe, smashing them all like baseballs.

VITALWAVE continues battling the male dragon. Both on a stalemate. The Dragon fires at Vital, with him retaliating with a burst of hydro water. The flames scatter everywhere, litting the place on fire.
The Dragon continues fightin VITALWAVE, he charges and chomps him. But Vitalwave's body density is too low for him to grab. With the ongoing stalemate, Everything soon catches on fire.

With IMPERICUS fighting GWEN, He get's a message from one of his scientists.

What is it?

The place is catchin fire!

(Swipes at GWEN)
Are the eggs loaded?

Yes lord

And the five dragons?

It wasn't easy, but your knights manage to mount on them.

Good, signal them a retreat.

What about the notes and the fossil?

I'll deal with it, We've got what we wanted. Now signal the retreat.

(stops fighting gwen)
I wish I can play around more with you. But I have bigger fish to fry.

IMPERICUS whistles to his dragon, The dragon then stops fighting Vitalwave and flies toward Impericus. Impericus then mounts on his back.

We'll soon meet again.

The dragon shoots fire at the ceiling, creating a large gapping opening. The dragon spreads its wings and takes off. Impericus has his dragon burn the entire base to

(On his Dragon)
Now no one will be able to use my resources against me

IMPERICAS then has his dragon fly off with the smaller females.

The other knights begin retreating, they pack everything and run to the trucks. All remaining knights are in their trucks driving away, following IMPERICUS and his dragons.

That was easy........

(Points to the red barrels)
I don't think it was......

Hang on!

VITALWAVE puts COOPER and GWEN inside his liquid body. The red barrels soon explode into a huge explosion, leaving nothing behind. VITALWAVE emerges from the debris, with COOPER and GWEN still inside him. VITALWAVE then takes them out of him as COOPER and GWEN cough for air.

A little warning next time

Whatever, Atleast we pound some butt.

I say........Phewww! How exhausting.

VITALWAVE then times out, reverting back to BEN TENNYSON.

Wow, I feel hot....

So it seems they actually made dragons......

Yeah.........I WANT ONE!!!!

Easy for you to say.

Ben starts fantasizing again, as a knight riding the dragon and holding Julie. This all disappears, leaving ben to fall with pain and misery.

Speaking of dragons, what did they do with the fossil piece?

Probably took it with them.

I guess, How are you gonna make more with the source?

They all start walking away from what's left of the burning base, looking already beat up.

GWEN feet hurt.

I'm tired of walking

How are we supposed to get home?

Gwen and Cooper look at Ben.

alright, one more for tonight.

Ben turns into roadhog.

Get on.


Next time you're teleporting us back home!

ROADHOG then dashes towards the woods.

Something tells me we should of looked more.

Come on, this base was completely destroyed by the dragon. Besides, what could the forever knights leave behind?

Meanwhile, at the destroyed base, a figure walks around the place. Inspecting and searching.

This place is empty, nothing but ash.

And the forever knights?

Gone, it seems your calculations was correct.

Whatever you could find, bring It here at once.

Burnt ash and pages fly every, the FIGURE grabs one of them. As he continues looking, he looks down and notices fossil piece still intact. He then takes it and leaves.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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