Smile 1.

7 1 1

This is what I've been waiting for so enjoy

This is what I've been waiting for so enjoy

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As I watched you go from aisle to aisle as you messed with you beautiful white hair, of course you didn't notice me I don't blame you I'm kinda invisible but you laughed and when you laughed it filled me heart it almost felt like my heart was so happy it would burst

and then I noticed you were with this guy what was his name again.... MARK his name was mark and he hugged you which  made me think you 2 had something going on and when I thought that I cried a little I died inside

I wanted you to notice me so I followed you, not to where you would notice of course I didn't want to to think I was some creep although I was being one I already loved you

I heard you say to mark that he was a cool friend which relieved me because I didn't want to crush on you and you end up having a boyfriend one problem I didn't know if you were gay or not, I 100% was
But are you because you can't be so handsome and not be gay

I walked behind you and you look at me and when you looked at me you smiled like you loved me and when that happened you said hi to me I was at loss for word your so bold I went to the next aisle with you and then someone pushed there shopping cart at me causing me to bump into you, you weren't mad at me or anything you just looked at me weirdly and then realized the situation

When you realized what happened you stood up for me you yelled at that man for me, you then helped me up from the ground and asked for my name I forgot my name for a second 

You looked confused but then I told it was yugyeom and you liked it he told me your name it was bambam but I was Hardly listening I was to focused on looking at your face it was literally so pretty and then you asked for something and I liked it, you felt comfortable with me you asked for my number and I gave to you with no regrets nor hesitation

You told me to stay with you and mark but I didn't want to "third wheel" so I said no regretting every second of that I was sad as I walked ayway then you text me something it said I was pretty and I liked it I send back 2 red hearts and you send back a emoji a emoji that had 4 Purple Hearts and I laughed as I looked back at you, you had you eyes glued to your phone but I stilled missed you even though you were inches away


Omg I was waiting for me to finish this omg it's a yugbam since I love writing these to together but please be patient with this story and a short chap I know sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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