Tootie Bubbles (One-Shot)

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It was a hot day, and all Bunny wanted was an ice cream cone. The scalding, summer sun beat down on Bunny as she finished her jog. Bunny saw and ice cream stand on the corner of the street, and knew she needed some. The line was long, but Bunny did not care one bit. All Bunny wanted was some ice cream, but little did she know that standing in line for this ice cream would change her life forever.

Bunny had waited about ten minutes when she was finally first in line. When she saw the young man scooping the ice cream, she was stunned. He had the most electrifying blue eyes Bunny had ever seen, and incredibly perfect bone structure. Bunny had never seen a more attractive man in her whole life. Except for Steve Buscemi. He was almost as beautiful as Steve Buscemi.

"Excuse me," the man said, making Bunny's heart race. That was when Bunny realized she had been daydreaming about the mysterious man behind the ice cream cart when she should have been ordering.

Bunny took a step forward, but tripped over a crack in the cement! Bunny fell into the ice cream cart and took the cart and young stud muffin with her as they rolled down a hill. Finally, they stopped rolling.

Bunny began to apologize when she heard a cackle. The mysterious voice said, "capture them!" It was a witch! Suddenly Bunny felt herself being lifted off of the ground along with the ice cream man. "I am taking you to my lair to eat!" The witch exclaimed, cackling as she did so. Bunny was terrified, but the witch cast a sleeping spell on her and the man.

A few hours later, Bunny awoke in the witch's lair. She shook the man awake. "Where are we?" He grumbled.

"I don't know." Bunny whispered back. They looked and saw the witch standing over a cauldron cackling and chanting something. Neither of them could tell what she was saying, but her voice grew louder.

"Tootie bubbles." The witch said.

"Tootie bubbles?" Bunny asked herself quietly.

"Tootie bubbles, tootie bubbles, fruity from your booty bubbles." The witch cried. She continued: "when you are in the bathtub

and you feel the need to fart

simply let that fart fly

to see what's in your heart.

After you have farted

turn around to see

the face of your one true love

looking back at thee!"

The witch was preoccupied with her chanting. Bunny saw it as an opportunity to escape the witch's lair. "Come on!" She whispered to the man when she saw the door. The two made a run for it and narrowly escaped. Luckily, the witch was not paying attention to them, but rather her cauldron.

"Thank god we made it out alive!" Bunny cried.

"I owe it all to you." The boy said. "I'm Germy." He said, holding out his hand for Bunny to shake.

"Jeremy?" Bunny asked.

"No." He sighed. "Germy."

"I'm Bunny." Bunny shook Germy's hand.

The two began walking home when they realized that they lived in the same apartment building! Bunny lived on the top floor, the 40th, and Germy lived on the first floor. The two said goodbye and went to their respective apartments.

Days passed. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. It had been about half a year since the incident with the witch. Bunny thought that she and Germy would start spending more time together ever since they were kidnapped, but it just didn't happen. Every day though, she would watch for him to go into his apartment

One night Bunny was watching Germy's apartment. She knew he had already gone in but she hoped that maybe he would open his door so she could see his face. Suddenly, Bunny had the urge to poop. She did not know where it came from, but it was growing stronger by the second. Since Germy's apartment was the only one she recognized, she rang the doorbell, hoping that he would let her use his toilet.

Germy did not come to the door and Bunny could barely take it. She turned around, ready to leave, but she could not control her bowels any longer. Little did Bunny know that Germy was on his way to the door.

Bunny let loose a large shart that sent little poop debris flying everywhere. It was such a powerful fart that Germy's door flew off of its hinges and hit Germy, knocking him out the window! Before coming to Germy's aid, Bunny knew she had to poop, so she used his toilet. Bunny called 9-1-1 while Germy repeatedly yelled, "there's poop in my eye!"

Soon, the ambulance arrived on the scene and took Germy away. Bunny was incredibly embarrassed! She had never felt so humiliated in her whole life. She sobbed as she walked to the elevator, and all the way back up to her apartment on the 40th floor.

Later that night when Bunny was taking a bath, she remembers what the witch had said about tootie bubbles. Bunny worked really hard to conjure up a fart, but failed to do so. She cried again in embarrassment, but as she cried, she felt a fart emerge from her anus. When she turned around to look, she realized that she had pooped herself a little bit and cried even more. Eventually, a face began to form in Bunny's tootie bubbles. The face of her one true love belonged to Germy!

At the same time, Germy was at the hospital receiving a sponge bath after the incident. Suddenly, Germy farted. He was embarrassed and hoped that the nurse would not see, but she said to him, "looks like you've got yourself some tootie bubbles there!" Germy turns around to look at his tootie bubbles and sees a face forming.

It was Bunny.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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