Ask - Adora

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(Prompt: Adora takes you on a date to confess her feelings to you.)

Second Person Pov



The second Adora met you, she fell in love with you. At first she had no idea what this feeling she felt was. She was actually a little bit scared, until Bow and Glimmer explained to her what a crush was. Of course, being in the Horde she knew nothing about that. But the more she fell for you, the more she was willing to try it out.

So this was the night she was going to finally ask you to be hers. She had Bow and Glimmer help her with the little details. Since Bow was your brother, he made sure that everything was exactly how you liked it. And Adora was eternally grateful. She could not mess this up. No pressure, right?


"Adora! Adora, where are we going?" You asked. Adora made you put on a blindfold before you two walked to your destination. "You'll see. Just keep holding my hand." Adora said. She was definitely appreciating that blindfold. As you were holding her hand, she was a blushing mess. She knew if Bow and Glimmer could see her right now, they'd be teasing her to no end.

Finally, you two came to a stop. You could hear the soft flow of water. Adora took the blindfold of you, and you were stunned. It was all the things you loved in one place. There were lilacs, your favorite meal, and it was all beside the river you came to all the time. And there was also your favorite person...Adora. "Do you like it?" Adora asked you nervously. You looked around once more, "Do I like it? No, I love it!" You exclaimed.

Adora took your hand again, leading you over to the meal. She even had your favorite drink too! It was so surreal and so perfect at the same time. The whole night you and Adora ate and talked. Later that night, she turned on some music and danced with you. Your head on her chest, one hand in hers and one hand on her shoulder. One of her hands was holding you close by your waist.

"Y/n, I have to ask you something." Adora said, pulling back to look into your eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes bored into your e/c ones, almost putting you in a trance. "Yes?" You said. Adora took your hand in hers in front of you, "Ever since I met you, I felt that you and I had some sort of connection. I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try. And I honestly don't want to stop, I want to keep thinking about you until the day I die. And I figured that I'd make my fantasy a reality. So Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Adora asked.

You couldn't believe it. After so many months, she finally got the courage to ask you out. You laughed quietly, kissing Adora's cheek. "I was wondering when you'd ask me." You said cockily. Adora just stared back at you, mouth agape. "Y-You knew?" Adora at this point was a huge tomato. "Of course I did! You can only stare at a person for so long before they notice," You said. Adora had been staring at you a lot. "Plus, Bow can't keep a secret." That was very true. Bow couldn't keep a secret to save his life.

"Then I suppose that's a yes then?" Adora asked, her cheeks still slightly pink. "Obviously." You answered. Adora hesitantly leaned in, stopping a centimeter away, almost asking permission. You quickly closed the gap, feeling her soft lips on yours.

A/n: first She-Ra imagine. I am very proud of myself. Also, I hope it wasn't too crappy 💙

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