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This is Bird

He always led a nice life


He was good at studying a.k.a flying

He was humble, modest, and kind

But Bird never had an aim in life

He did almost everything his mama and papa told

Like a good bird should


Other birds had high expectations of Bird

Every single mistake of Bird was pointed out

Bird always had to do the best

If not other birds were disappointed in Bird


Bird had fears




One day.

After an exam

Bird felt sad

He felt that he made too many mistakes

He wanted to go home


Well for Bird he didn't have a home he only had a house

For Bird home was where people won't judge him

Where he can be himself

Where he could be free

Where he had actual friends and family

Waddling waddling,

Bird reached a cliff

When Bird looked below

He saw blue

Bird thought that was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen


Bird didn't hesitate

Didn't stop

Bird flew down

With a smile

And tears flowing up his eyes

But little did Bird know Tall man was there.

Tall man was shocked to see Bird fly down

He wanted to save Bird but was too late

But Tall man was more shocked when he saw Bird smiling

Tall man too had that huge hole in his heart

Tall man too wanted to be free

But now his face was on wanted posters

Other birds thought Tall man killed Bird

But Tall man was nowhere to be found


Both Tall man and Bird went home.

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