The Princess and The Maid

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I am so excited to spread my stories but I would very strongly recommend that you've at least read through Crown of Midnight. If you haven't even started the series you better get off of watt pad and go to the stinking library to get it. If you have enjoy the story!


I stared at my parents in disbelief. 273 more rebels sent to Calaculla; 62 adults and 211 children. I turned away and started walking. Too soon it was a run. But I knew that there was no place I could go to escape these thoughts and horrid things. They surrounded me. I felt like no matter how many people I helped or how many new laws I passed it never worked. I could never do more or enough. Of course, nobody knew this. Nobody saw how much I put myself down after hearing bad news. But I wouldn't let this get me down. I had to keep moving forward until every last rebel was free.

I finally made it to my room which was the only place I might find sanctuary. I quickly undressed and then climbed into my tub. Eimayna had already drawn my bath and I thanked the gods for sending her to me.

Looking around my bathroom, I felt a shred of guilt. Dark brown and black marbled floors when others would be walking on dirt. A porcelain tub when people would be lucky enough to find a lake. I let the thoughts consume me as I breathed in the scent of vanilla and citrus while slipping under the surface.

I laid in the bathtub until Eimayna came to knock on my door. "How are you doing? Your parents said you just walked out."
"I'm doing fine but thank you for checking on me."

"No, you're not. You need to stop telling me that, it won't work." She replied.

"Ok fine. I'll be out in a minute." I tried to keep my voice steady. I at least needed to walk out strong.

I dried myself off and she stuck her hand in with my nightdress. It was long and a beige that dissipated into gold. The dress soothed me especially since the skirt flowed nicely and the top was more fitted. Comfort but freedom.

I put it on quickly put it on and walked out of the bathroom. "Come over here." She said, beckoning me.

I walked across the floor and sat down on my bed. Since it was only courtesy she waited until I was situated before going around and sitting with me.

"You know you don't have to stand and wait."

She looked at me like I was expected to say that. "I'm still a maid." She didn't have to remind me though. Sometimes it was hard being around people in the castle. I wanted to tell them they didn't have to pull out my chair or pour water into my glass, but every time I tried they simply finished the task and walked away. It aggravated me but I would never tell Eimayna that. I couldn't risk hurting her feelings.

"So how was your day?" She said. I shot her a look. She held up her arms defensively and then continued to speak, "I was just asking."

"It was good," I huffed. "But I still can't believe that those people are just gone. I mean I just-"

"Nehemia don't go there. Start with what you have done."

Sometimes she could just be so smart and annoying. "I just know that I could be doing more than I have done. I can't bear to see people on the streets."

She gave me a look. "You remember I was once on those streets." I tried my best to show her that I was sorry for reminding her. "It's fine. Just look at me." I turned to face her and leaned against my pillows. I could probably buy some meals for the starving with these. Ugh.

"I'm going to tell you a story." I perked up. Every time she told a story I couldn't help but feel better after it. So I sat there and let her story carry me away.


"Living on the streets seemed like a curse. It felt like the Wyrd has just given up on you and dumped you there." I frowned but kept my mind open and listened.

"The girl had just finished her dinner; a stale slice of bread that she had managed to get from a dumpster. It was almost night and soon she needed to head back home. She knew the streets could get dangerous at night for a number of reasons. But as she was getting up she saw someone. Run. That thought flashed through her head and in an instant, she was going. She kept running but the figure continued to pursue her. Her legs grew tired and she was starting to run out of breath. All of a sudden she turned a corner into the dead-end of an alley. Going to turn around she saw that the person was turning the corner.

"She heard them start calling to others, 'They're over here!' With that, all hope seemed to be lost. Crumpling down in the alley, the girl started to cry. She knew she would never make it back home. She was only hoping to see her friend one last time.

"The pursuer walked up to her. 'I apologize. I really didn't mean to scare you.' The girl sat up and wiped her eyes hoping that it would be quick.

"'Just get it over with,' she said. 'I don't want to feel the pain.'

"The man laughed and then his face grew somber. 'You thought I was going to kill you?' When she didn't answer he said, 'I'm not here to kill you I'm here to introduce you to someone.' The girl was confused but her courage was quickly replenishing. 'Here they are.' She looked up to see none other than Princess Nehemia Ytger of Eyllwe." I smiled. Of course, Eimayna would tell this story. Her story. "The girl quickly dropped into a curtsy but the princess waved it off. 'Don't bow to me,' the princess laughed. 'I'm an Eyllwen just like you. My parents are the only ones anyone should bow to and only by their own choice.' The girl looked up at the princess in awe. No one had ever called her an equal or treated her this way.

"'You must be curious why I'm here though. Is that correct?' She nodded. 'Follow me.' The girl quickly walked up to the princess and followed her through the streets. After about a minute of walking the princess asked her a question. 'Could you tell me your name?' 'Eimayna,' she replied. 'What a beautiful name. And how old are you, Eimayna?' The girl beamed with pride and walked at a more confident pace. 'I'm 15 but my birthday is in a week.'

"'Well,' The princess said. 'We will make sure you have a lovely birthday party.' At that very moment, they rounded the corner to the back of the castle. She gasped at the beauty even though the front had to be even more breathtaking. She quickly followed the princess through the kitchen and into the sewing rooms. 'Eimayna will start her work in two days. Make sure she is well fed and taken care of by then.' The few people left in the room nodded their heads. The princess turned to her and whispered, 'You are going to become my maid. I hope I'll get to know you better by then but for now our head maid Adeire will help you get ready for bed.'

"She looked around in disbelief. 'Goodbye.' The girl murmured. 'Goodbye Eimayna.' And with that, Nehemia left the room and the girl started her new life as the maid of her beloved princess."


I want to continue writing short stories into Nehemia's past so hopefully I can get a new one out soon!

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