| 01 : Confrontations

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Snow fell in an incessant pace. The smell of freshly-baked pastries and brewing hot coffee lingered throughout the bustling streets.

My cracked lips were numb. I clutched onto my worn-out, leather jacket, an acute headache starting to take over me. I continued to walk through the city, because I knew that if I stopped to take a break now, they would find me.

It was nearby the time for Christmas. I could tell, despite never knowing the exact days, since stores had signs posted about sales and there even was a man dressed up in a Santa costume, waving around a bell and asking for donations for a local animal shelter.

I grew a constant habit of analyzing people as I stumbled along the sidewalks, since I always had nothing to do.

A couple, both around their early teenage years, held hands, but didn't talk or look at each other. I assumed that it was their early stages of their relationship, and the two were shy around each other.

There was also a woman, calling someone at the telephone booth. Her eyebrows were furrowed in a stress manner, most likely about to argue through the phone at the person she was going to talk to.

Suddenly, my arm bumped into something hard.

"S-Sorry," a man stammered, a slight frown on his face. I guess I accidentally hit his shoulder while dazing out.

I was about to apologize as well until he moved along, ignoring what happened.

He must be in a hurry, the holidays and all. I wish I could celebrate it--

My foot caught onto the pavement, interrupting my thoughts. Before I could realize what was happening, I felt my body contact with the icy sidewalk.

Luckily, I fell on top of my arms first instead of my head, though a sharp sting pierced the palms of my hands, since it grazed the rough concrete.

Wincing, I tried to stand up. My heart sank with worry as I couldn't, my limbs like jelly.

"Are you alright? Oh shoot..."

I tilted my head up, seeing it was the man from before that I bumped into. He kneeled beside me, helping me to a sitting position.

"I'll call 911--"

"N-No!" I exclaimed, immediately causing the man to flinch back, "Please don't..."

"Why not?" he questioned, not seeming to take my begging as an answer, as he took his phone out of his pocket and was ready to dial.

I breathed out through my chattering teeth, "They'll find me... They'll find me, and they'll do anything to take me..."

"What are you talking about?" the man said in a soft voice, a soothing smile planted on his lips, "Please, calm down."

People started to surround us, staring at the scene. They started to whisper.

"Whatever you do," I replied blankly, my eyes kids growing heavy, "don't call 911."

Soon, in a blur, only darkness and silence surrounded me.

I opened my eyes, a faint beeping in my ear. The man from earlier was there, sitting beside me reading a magazine. He didn't notice I woke up.

I sat up steadily, the bed squeaking. The man heard the noise and acknowledged my consciousness, as he turned around to me with widened eyes.

"You're finally awake, huh?"

"Wow, someone's Sherlock," I replied, annoyed.

"Wow, someone's cranky," he mocked me, imitating my voice.

I answered, a dry laugh escaping me, "Yeah, maybe because I feel like a pile of crap."

An awkward quietness arose.

He introduced himself, hesitant, "Well, Peyton, my name's Jordan."

I eyed him, suspicious at him. "How do you know my name?"

"...The nurse told me."

I felt my muscles tense. I jumped out of the bed, shaking my head, as I paced around, recognizing the situation.

"Shít, shít, shít..." I muttered. This couldn't be good. They were coming.

"W-What's wrong? You shouldn't be up like this right now," Jordan asked, grabbing my wrist.

"You goddamn idiot, you!" I yelled, pushing him away from me, "I told you not to call 911!"

"What else was I going to do?! I couldn't just leave you there to rot," he defended.

My mind felt clustered. I had only one option.

"I'm leaving," I responded, snatching my folded clothes on top of the hospital table and heading to the window.

Jordan interrogated, concerned, "Where are you going? Suicide isn't an option...!"

"You blockhead. I'm not killing myself. I'm just climbing down from the window to escape this hell of a place," I reciprocated, opening the latch.

He leaped in front of me, mounting himself so I couldn't reach the window.

"I'm not letting you go unless you explain what's happening," Jordan argued.

I checked the clock. 2:00 p.m.

"...How long was I gone for?"

"About four hours."

They would come for me in about another hour. I stared at Jordan's face. Judging from his expression, I knew he would be stubborn about it, and I sighed.

"Fine, I'll tell you about...what's happening."

A/N: A new story! ❤️

1. An idea I got months ago. Just wanted to write it.
2. This story will have SLOW updates. A New Spark is my most important priority right now when it comes to writing.
3. Hope you guys enjoyed it! I wrote this just this month. I'm happy to see that my writing skills have improved the past year~!

Peace <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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