Effy Fletcher

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Effy Fletcher, a normal kid, with a normal life huh? Yeah indeed, she lived in the Uk, in a pretty shitty place actually. Effy was diagnosed with short term memory loss at the age of five. Yeah that wasn't very funny, she forgot pretty much EVERYTHING. when I say everything i really mean it. She even forgot her name, her mum and her friends. But after the years it got better i guess.

At the age of 14 Effy didn't have many friends left, but she had one his name was Frank. Frank was diagnosed with ADD . They had been best friends since 1st grade, Frank didn't really have any friends either.. he were more like the weird and quiet kid If you know what I mean, but when you get to know him hes crazy!

Effy lived with her Mum Esterella, her dad was a freak, an alcoholist. They got divorced when Effy was 6. He was also very abusive. But he has tried to contact Effy many times!

The year is 1994, Effy is 15 at the moment, she just came home from school with Frank. "Mum I'm home!" Effy said when they opened the door and stepped in. *her mum walked to the door*
"Hey mrs Fletcher!" Frank said.
"Oh hello dear, Effy go pick up the post please" her mum said.
"Yeah, Yeah" *Effy walks to the mailbox*.
It was raining, it was pretty cold, she didn't have a jacket on. it smelled like shit, like it usually did..

Effy opened the mailbox and took out all the post, she walked back into the house and took of her boots. Frank was in her room playing video games, "oh, hey Eff" he said, he didn't take his eyes of the video game. "Yeah wassup nerd", she said. *Effy puts all the post on her desk and starts looking thru it* "anything interesting?" Frank asks.
"Don't think so" Effy says.
"BOLLOCKS" Frank screams and then sucks.
what is it? Effy says and laughs.
"It's not funny Eff, ugh fucking wankers"Frank says.
"Yeah, Yeah whatever" she rolls her eyes.

*she takes up a letter* "Frank look, it's a letter for me"
"well that's amazing?!? Frank says sarcastically."

Yeah *she openes the letter* "What the fuck is Hogwarts?" Effy says.
"Am i supposed to know that?" He asks.
"Just shut up" she says.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we are very sorry that ur letter is late, we had problem with the muggle post" she reads outload.

"so its like a school for Witches?" Frank says.
*They both laugh*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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