The Kidnaping

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Early one morning, Matt and Chris were getting ready for the big game. Matt as a point guard was going to lead the Vikings to victory. Chris didn't play but came to support his best friend. It was a home game in Stockton, Illinois. On the way to the game, Matt and Chris played would you rather."Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or kiss the dog," Matt asked. Chris thought both would be gross, but he had to pick one. He couldn't remember what he had stepped on so, Chris decided to kiss the dog. 

In the first quarter, Matt scored 12 points against the Panthers. In the second, he scored only 6 points, but he was still on a roll. Half time was like any other. Each player took a drink, while the coach talked to the team about how they did in the first half of the game. In the third and fourth quarters, Matt scored 16 points. In all, he scored 34 points! The Vikings won 54 to 23. The Panthers walked out of the gym with disappointment on their faces.

Matt and Chris parted ways and went home. While Chris was walking home, he saw a man. A man who looked like Matt's father wanting to give him a ride home. Chris jumped in the van without any thought. When the van started to move, it went straight past his house!!! Before Chris could yell for help, he fell backward and was knocked out!

The van suddenly stopped. Chris woke up and was at Walmart. A Walmart that no longer seemed to be used. The man was not who he thought he was. He took off his disguise. At that moment Chris remembered the new paper a couple of weeks back had a wanted poster with this man's face on it. It was a kidnaper named Jay. He had been taking kids from all around Stockton. First, he would chain them up in this cellar room in his basement. Second, he would.....r a p e   the kids. Lastly, after his pleasure, he would kill them.

Chris was terrified. Jay grabbed him by the arm and took him inside. It was dark! Jay through Chris in a very cold room. It was the cellar! Chris had seen something laying on the floor. He thought it was a blanket. He went to when Chris picked it up, he jumped back. It was no blanket. It was a body.  Chris tried to get out of the room but there was no window and the door was locked. He was scared about what was going to happen next. Chris heard the door start to open. It was Jay. Jay made his way over to Chris and pushed him to the ground. I'm sure you know what will happen next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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