Drunk Misaki

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Hello, this is my first ever fanfic so please tell me some feedback if possible. This story gets kinda spicy so grab some water. Please R&R. Now I won't keep you from reading.

"What the hell were you doing!" Usui shouted at misaki.
He had a very seeious look on his face that could make misaki tremble. This look indeed would have made her tremble if she wasn't drunk.
"Huh, it's not like I druggedsh myshelfff" misaki said slurred.
Usui looked at her in disbelief that she would say that even if she was drunk.

Misaki was in a bad neighborhood with no clue how to get to her friends house. She had looked around for about twenty minutes when she made the decision to ask someone near for help.
She walked into the first shop she saw which was a bar. She said in a calm voice "hello, can you please help me find this adress?" As she pointed to the note. The bar tender agreed and told her half the instructions when he said "you look really tired, would you like some water?" She accepted his offer. Next thing she collapsed and woke up in some sort of garage. The men tried to rape her at first but she bite them even while drunk and they started beating her. Then a sudden blonde man showed up and she passed out.
End of flashback

Usui said in the most calm tone he could muster "you can sleep on the couch, if you need anything, I'll be in my room" and said as he walked off "goodnight". He told himself that he would lecture her when she was sober because it was no use trying to scold her while drunk.
Misaki woke up at 2 am and couldn't go back to bed. She thought she might as well just go home, she knew her house was only 10 min away and then she wouldn't have to be a bother to Usui.
Just as she turned the door knob, a tall blonde man was summoned. He grabbed her wrist and said in a serious tone "where the fuck do you think you're going ayuzawa?" He had never really sweared before so she made sure to keep the same energy when replying. She said while still drunk "home bitch, it's only a 10 min walk" just as she yanked her arm to leave thinking she had a good enough excuse. She knew that her presence was making Usui angry so she might as well just do them both a favor and leave. She was just making his life harder. Meanwhile Usuis bangs covered his face but she could tell he was very angry. "You can't just walk home with your injuries while drunk."
"I'll be fine, I know where my fucking house is." She said in a serious tone that switched up the entire vibe of the room. Usui loosened his grip on her wrist. She thought this was his way of letting her go. She escaped from his grasp and tried opening the door. He grabbed both her wrists and pinned her down on the wall beside the apartment door. She was taken aback by this because she thought he agreed to her leaving. He said " you really think I'd let you go into the night drunk, alone and injured?" He let her go but still blocked the door with his body. Her patience was running out and she blurted out "leave me the fuck alone. Don't think I owe you, I could have saved myself. I was fine on my own. Also you don't own me, I'm not your property. I HATE you" She realized that she may have gone overboard and accidentally said her thought aloud "damn, I actually just said that." Usui had finally lost it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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