The girl in the halls

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The first bell echoed through the school, signaling the start of another school year. Richard's heavy sigh escaped his lips as he pushed open the doors, stepping into the familiar yet dreary environment of his sophomore year. The mingling scents of teenage musk filled the air, a potent reminder of the crowded hallways and classrooms that awaited him.

As he walked down the halls, Richard couldn't help but notice the flurry of activity around him. Excited chatters and laughter of his peers filled the air, discussing their summer escapades and eagerly catching up after the break. He rolled his eyes, feeling a pang of disinterest in the sea of conversations that surrounded him. He just wanted to get this year over with, believing that school held little significance in the grand scheme of things.

Richard had always been a loner, finding comfort in solitude and retreating into his thoughts. He kept to himself, rarely engaging in small talk or seeking out companionship. This, however, left him vulnerable to the gossip and rumors that circulated amongst his classmates. They speculated about his mysterious past, concocting stories about the untimely demise of his parents, which he had tragically experienced when he was younger. But Richard had grown a thick skin over time, learning to ignore the whispers and judgments.

He walked along the lockers, trying to blend into the background as he headed to his first class. The halls were filled with vibrant posters announcing various clubs and activities, but Richard paid them little attention. He had no interest in joining any of these groups. They all seemed trivial and superficial to him.

Teachers at the school had heard rumors about Richard, expecting him to be trouble, but they were pleasantly surprised to discover that he was a well-behaved student. Determined to achieve his goal of getting accepted into a good college, Richard devoted himself to his studies, often immersing himself in books and academic pursuits during his free time.

Despite his rebellious nature, Richard's habit of wearing sunglasses indoors occasionally landed him in trouble with school authorities. The principal, renowned for enforcing school rules with an iron fist, noticed Richard strolling through the hallway with his shades on and immediately called him out. "Glasses off, Grayson." The principal instructed firmly as Richard walked by him.

With a heavy sigh and a touch of annoyance, Richard complied, taking the sunglasses off before shoving them into his locker. His decision to wear them indoors wasn't merely a fashion statement. It served as a shield against the many curious and judgmental stares he often received from his peers.

He had grown accustomed to being the center of gossip and speculation. The sunglasses were just one aspect of his carefully constructed armor. Richard was determined to keep others at arm's length, shielding himself from the potential pain of forming deep connections as he believed that attachments only led to vulnerability.

While complying with the principal's request, Richard couldn't help but roll his eyes in response to the perceived pettiness of the situation. To him, the school's focus on trivial matters like this only reinforced his belief that high school was an inconsequential place, a stepping stone toward more significant pursuits.

As he reluctantly put away his sunglasses, something in his peripheral vision caught his eye. A flash of vibrant, long red hair that stood out amidst the sea of students. Students had never piqued Richard's interest in such a way before. To him, they all seemed to blend into the background, and the dull school uniforms certainly didn't help.

But this girl was different—mesmerizing, even. He couldn't understand why, but he found himself unable to look away. She had a unique aura that set her apart from the rest. Her pink lips curved into a subtle smile, and her bright green eyes sparkled with an air of innocence that seemed at odds with the group she was standing next to.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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