{ Our First Meeting }

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Your is at your local 7/11 grabbing some snack foods. You gets to the register and pull out your wallet. The cashier rings up a total of 6.28$ You pull out 5$ exactly and realize that you don't have enough money. You frown as the Cashier hands your favorite fruit snacks back to put back. Suddenly a male with white hair in a ponytail and a red sweater with black jeans comes up behind you and sets down the rest of the money you owed. You look up at him in surprise and tilt your head.

 "Excuse me, you don't have to pay for me. I can just put something back. It's my fault for not bringing enough money." 

 "Nah, it's fine. I'm practically rich so I can pay." 

 You stare at this cocky mf. 


 You walk over to the shelf and start throwing in more items so this mysterious stranger can pay for you. 'Oh well, he's paying not me!' You think to yourself with a smug look as you approach the counter again. The male looks really surprised but then pulls out his wallet and pays. After you grab the bag of snacks and leave the 7/11. The male follows you outside. You start to feel bad for doing that but you can't do anything about it now.

"Hey uh, thanks for paying. I appreciate it. I'm Y/N."

 "Eh no problem. I'm Takeo. I hope you enjoy your snacks." 

 Takeo then walks over to his cool red motorcycle as he gets on and turns on the engine. You smile a bit as you look up into the sky and realize it's about to rain. 'Oh no...' you think to yourself.  

"Get on!" Takeo yells. "It's gonna start raining soon so hurry up! I'll take you home."

"HUH?!" He was gonna drive you home?! You didn't even know the guy! Ugh but you really didn't want to be stuck in the rain so you agree. "Fine!" You run over and get on the motorcycle, wrapping your arms around him and you held on tightly with your bag of food.

Takeo takes off on his motorcycle with you as he asks where you live. You tell him your address and he takes you home. As you arrive at your house you get off the motorcycle with your food.

"Thanks a lot! I'm in your debt. Can I give you my number? Just in case you ever need something." 

"Sure." Takeo pulls out his phone as you add yourself as a contact.

 "Thanks for all this. I'm just a stranger but it's really sweet." 

"No problem little lady. Can't have a girl being stuck in the rain." Takeo drives off as it starts to pour. You rush inside your house and shut the door already a bit wet. You go get a towel from the bathroom and dry off your hair as you sit down on the couch. 

 "Hm, that was Interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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