Moving day

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Moving day is the worst. You would think after moving so many times I would get used to it but I never do. I had told myself that once I moved out of my parents house that I would settle down and not move around the city so much but alas here I am moving again.

This move however scares me the most. It's the first time I'm moving away from my home town on my own. Most teens usually move away from their home town as soon as they are done high school. To attend college or university so that they can train for their dream job. I however had to wait a little while longer. With parents that didn't believe in higher learning and didn't want to help with school funds I was stuck and had to figure things out on my own.

I had a part time job and scraped together as much as I could and finally took the plunge. I moved in to a room in a house. The owner of the house was a single mom and had rented out two bedrooms to students. Myself and a girl that was taking graphic design.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I moved to a city with millions of people and got into a school that was the size of my old neighborhood.

Well there was no going back now.

I sat in the back seat of my friends parents car. All of my belongings were shoved into a small trailor that was hitched to the back of it. I was leaving for school at the begining of August. I know a little early but at least this way I would be well preapred.

I was thankful for the air conditioning that was running full blast. August was always swltering hot and I already felt gross from moving all the boxes from my shabby apartment to the trailor. I'm glad I at least had the help of my friends or I would still be moving boxes.

The drive was long and boring. For being such a large city it seemed to be tucked away in the middle of nowhere. We drove along an old highway that was lined with trees and marshes for what seemed like forever. Sometimes we would go through a small town that looked like it had been abandoned a long time ago but other than that it was nothing but forest and water.

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