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I'm not going to lie to you guys I actually don't know any Pokemon after the Alola region. So if you see any Pokemon that is after the Alola region for the new games I don't know it because I'm broke as f*** and I don't play the new games. I'm only making the story for fun so... yeah LOLim writing this just so i can let out some steem and i know I won't be able to write my regular stories properly since they are all supposed to have long chapters. I felt like a One-Shot can help me out a little bit more than riding my regular stories so here you guys go.

Thatch was exploring the new island they landed on. they had been traveling for a good month before they reached the island they were in right now. as he was exploring he was complaining to his brother Haruta. one of the younger members who was also his best friend.

"why do I have to be the one to look for the new supply of food... IM NOT THE ONE WHO ATE ALL THE MEAT" Thatch yelled as he glared back at where he came from. Haruta just glared at him and cut down another branch from one of the overgrown trees.

"yeah but it's your fault he got into the food storage." Haruta snapped "and it's also your fault that they caught me" he snapped at him. Thatch just ignored him and continued to walk ahead. they continued to complain until they got to a cave. it looked deep and was very dark.

"you think there might be a bear in there," Thatch asked Haruta

"I don't know and I don't care... hurry up I wanna go back to the ship." Haruta snapped as he watched Thatch make a makeshift torch and start walking inside laughing. "don't go in there without me dumb ass" he snapped

"what? you scared" Thatch laughed as he turned his head slightly. Haruta huffed but followed anyway not knowing if there were any dangers inside. they walked for a couple of minutes as they started to feel a slight chill.

"Damn it's cold in here," Haruta said as he hugged himself trying to get some heat. Thatch was trying to do the same but he was holding up the torch. they continued to walk until they got to a hallway with three openings. what got Thatch's attention was that the one in the far left had what looked like ice.

"what the hell," Thatch asked as he got closer to the walls. there he saw the walls start to shine with the light of the fire. "are these... crystals..." he asked as he used his unoccupied hand to check. Haruta quickly walked next to him and started to inspect it.

"I think they are..." Haruta told him as he got a closer look at the blue crystal. the closer he got the more colors started to shine. "... we should ask Izo," he said as he turned to his brother

"yeah... but before that..." Thatch said as he continued to walk forward making sure to leave a trail of seeds behind him just in case they got lost.

"Where are you going" Haruta snapped at him.

"don't worry I just wanna see how far the crystals go," Thatch told him as he walked. he wasn't really paying attention as he looked at the Crystals that covered the walls, ceiling, and even the small rocks that poked out. he liked that some of them were different colors and was very distracted.

suddenly Thatch let out a scream as he fell. Haruta who was right behind him panicked once the only light source disappeared along with his brother and stopped walking. he could hear Thatch falling and his grunts of pain as he hit rocks and other things.

"THATCH" he yelled. he continued to hear his brother fall until a loud grunt was heard and something breaking along with a splash. "THATCH... ARE YOU OK" Haruta yelled

"IM... I THINK I TWISTED MY ANKLE" Thatch yelled back. he tried to move his foot only to have pain shoot through him, he tried his best to swim to land even as he couldn't really see. "fuck" he whispered to himself. "I can't get up!!" Thatch yelled at Hiruta.

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