when life was good

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this fic has been in the works for YEARS, and i'm finally getting it out after several tweaks to the plot!

although i am no longer in my fnaf phase, writing this was very fun and i can't wait to release more chapters!


     Life is fun when you're young. You're not worried about responsibilities or drama. You learn about growing up through a sugar-coated lens and dream of all the freedom. You hope your friendships continue for years and years, assuming life gets even better with age.

     Until you grow up, or shit happens, or both.

     In my case, life was fun until I was six. From then on, shit happened, and I had to grow up.

     I used to have three best friends: Flynn, Chrissy, and Freddy. We did everything together (keep in mind that we were kids and couldn't do many things, so maybe not everything), from having sleepovers to giving each other nicknames, and even spending the holidays together. I think I saw my friends more than I saw my parents, which was odd to think about.

     Flynn was the oldest in the group, so he would always pretend to be in charge. He also had a strange obsession with pirates and would often speak in a pirate accent (to the best of a mumbling toddler's ability). We called him "Foxy" because his celebrity crush was Megan Fox.

     Chrissy was the most energetic one, which meant she got in trouble often and broke things easily. We called her "Chica" because she would make chicken noises to cheer everyone up.

     And Freddy was the friend I felt the closest to. We had the typical preschool wedding and held hands during class, and his family used to let me stay over when things didn't feel right at home.

     Freddy's father, Arthur Fazberg, was in the process of creating a restaurant for kids, something like a Chuck E. Cheese's, with games and food, called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He also designed four characters to serve as company mascots, each one representing a different member of my friend group. Freddy's was a bear, mine was a bunny, Chica's was a chicken, and Foxy's was a fox. Stemming off of the Chuck E. Cheese's idea even more, Mr. Fazberg wanted the characters to perform as animatronics. However, he had a degree in graphic design and knew nothing about robotics, so a local electrician built the characters for him.

     My friends and I were around six years old when the restaurant was ready to open. I remember going to opening day with everyone to cut the ribbon and see the first animatronic performance. I'm going to be honest, the animatronics looked horrendously scary, but I knew those characters were simply there to honor us, which took away some of the fear.

     A couple nights later, my parents sat me, my older brother Mike, and my older sister Brandy down at the dinner table and told us some news: we were moving. Apparently this was in the works for years, and they kept this a secret from us. I remember crying for hours that night while my parents, more than happy about the move, weren't comforting me and were too busy celebrating. Looking back at it now, and knowing how attached I was to that town and my friends, I think it wasn't wrong of me to be upset. I was a child, and change wasn't something I could accept in the blink of an eye. If they had told us earlier, then maybe I would be able to accept the change a little more, but they waited until a week before we had to move. A week. That was pretty inconsiderate of them.

     It wasn't long before the day had finally come for my family to leave, so I met my friends down at the restaurant for one last goodbye. I hugged Foxy first, who was on the verge of crying as he wrapped his arms around me.

     "May the force be with ye, bunnybutt."

     "Goodbye, Foxy. Keep adventuring for me, okay?"

     "Of course."

     Chica was my next goodbye, who almost tackled me to the ground with her hug.

     "Sleepovers will never be the same without you, y'know that, Bon?"

     "I'll roll out an extra sleeping bag every night for you."

     "BON STOP, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY!!" she said, shaking me.

     Last but not least was Freddy, who already had a few tears rolling down his face. He seemed to be holding on for dear life, resting his head on my shoulder.

     "Please, Bon, don't *sniff* leave...Bonnnnnn...." Freddy managed to say through his excessive crying and mumbling.

     "Aw, Freddy, you know I don't want to leave."

     "I'm gonna miss you so much."

     "I'm gonna miss you too." By that point, I was full on sobbing. Then I heard the car horn from outside. My parents were here to pick me up. I reluctantly let go of Freddy's hug. "Well, guys, it's been nice. Hope to see you all soon! Goodbye!" I waved one last time before going out the door and into the car.

     I thought about them every day. I left out a sleeping bag and hugged a picture of the four of us every night. They were my second family. I wish we never moved. Life wasn't fun anymore, especially knowing I wouldn't be growing up with them by my side.

Bunny on the Job (Human AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora