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it was a normal day for the two lovers, they were cuddling in Norton's room peacefully as Norton whispered sweet nothings into his lover's ear, brushing his hand through his hair.

The moment was ruined when a knock was heard at the door. Norton sighed, knowing he had to let go of his love and hesitated before pushing Andrew off him, Andrew clung for a second but knew he had to.

"hello? oh, hi Emily. You need something..?"

"Good evening, Norton, you have a match scheduled in about 1 hour and a half." The doctor stated, calmly. Norton nodded in response before waving her goodbye and closing the door.
As the prospector turned to his boyfriend and smiled lovingly at him, all the albino did was look away sheepishly and signaled for Norton to come over and cuddle with him again and Norton did just that.

-le time skeep-

The gravekeeper was lonely without Norton as he waited for him to return from his match. Norton was matched with Naib, Tracy, and Eli, as for who the hunter was, Andrew had no clue. Andrew knew Norton could take care of himself and was confident in his skills, yet he still worried about him.

To pass the time Andrew took a visit to the garden and found Emma tending to the flowers. Emma gave Andrew a warm smile. Andrew nodded in acknowledgement, Emma knew Andrew was never one to socialize or want to do it willingly so she just gave him a flower she planted and showed Andrew to a small spot of shade under a tree to lay down. Andrew thanked Emma and laid down. He smiled at the flower he was given and fell asleep.

-more le time skeeps-


Very happy laughter.

At him? Probably.. The gravekeeper slowly opened his eyes. He just saw leaves that kept him in the shade. He sat up and looked around, through the window of the door, he saw Norton laughing happily with Naib and grabbing his hand before running away with Naib being pulled with him, also laughing.

I guess he's just hanging out with Naib then..

Andrew felt a little selfish for hoping he could continue cuddling but he guess Norton had last minute plans. No issue right?

He didn't see Norton for the rest of the day.

It was almost the time Andrew went to bed and he was on his way to him Norton's room as Norton noticed Andrew having nightmares often and wanted to be there to comfort him. Andrew was thinking to himself and accidentally bumped into someone in the dining hall.

"I-I'm sorry!" He squeezed his eyes closed and lowered his head, ready to be yelled at out of instinct. Nothing happened and he slowly looked up and saw Norton staring him.
"O-oh.. Hello Norton.. I'm sorry.. I'm heading to your room right now so I'll wait for you.." Andrew mumbled, still loud enough for Norton to hear. A sweat dropped down Norton's face as he hesitated to inform Andrew he was actually gonna pull an all-nighter with Naib messing around and that he could just go to his room and sleep and told him good night.

Andrew's heart started to crumble as he nodded and walked to his room, he wasn't only nervous about nightmares but, Norton didn't give him a kiss on his forehead or say "I love you" it was something Norton did every night so it felt weird. 

It was dark. Very dark. Too dark.

Andrew was nervous, he just walked forward, trying to get somewhere. He wasn't going anywhere and closed his eyes in anxiousness and bumped into someone and lost balance, falling straight to the ground. He opened his eyes to a small playground, swings, a slide, and kids looking at him from afar, he was also smaller. He looked up at who he bumped into in fear, the kid looked very mad.

"HEY! Watch where you're going, freak!" he shouted. 

"I-I'm sorry..!" Andrew stuttered, wobbly getting up.

"I-I-I-I'M SORRY!" The boy mocked Andrew, all the others kids staring started to laugh. Andrew was on the verge of tears already, this made the kids laugh even more. 

"I'm sorry! I s-swear!" Andrew choked out. 

"Just shut up! You're so annoying!" The boy punched Andrew in the stomach and knocked him down. Andrew started crying even more and clung to his stomach repeating "I'm sorry"


more laughter.

stop it..

knock knock

stop it..

knock knock

stop it.

knock knock


knock knock

"STOP IT!" Andrew shot up from his bed crying. Realizing it was only a dream he looked around and wiped his tears, trying to calm his breathing down.

knocking...it stopped..

"h...hello...? Andrew...are you okay..?" Victor, Andrew's best friend asked quietly, so quiet maybe if just an ant was crawling he wouldn't have heard his voice. Victor never talked unless it was a certain situation. Andrew looked towards his friend. Victor pulled out a notepad and wrote in it before showing it to Andrew with a worried face.

hey, are you okay? You screamed stop it..

Andrew continued cleaning up his face. "It was just a nightmare Victor... Don't worry about me.." Andrew got up and went to the bathroom to do his normal morning routine as Victor waited for him outside his room. Andrew looked at Victor and Victor gave him a comforting, warm smile. Enough to make the sad gravekeeper smile back.

Victor brought Andrew to the dining hall and there they saw Norton once again talking with Naib, Andrew hid a bit behind Victor as Victor looked to what he was hiding from. He sighed and held Andrew's hand.

Norton didn't talk with Andrew the whole day. It was just Victor.

This continued for a bit until Victor got fed up with the way Norton started treating his best friend. Victor knocked on his door and Norton answered, in the background there was Naib just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. 


"Hey..Are you and Andrew still a thing..?"

Norton looked to the side..he hesitated before turning back.

"I think..I'm losing interest in him..? I'm sorry but I can't face him to tell him that.."

Victor couldn't believe what he just heard. I'm losing interest in him..? It repeated in his head over and over. Victor growled and pulled him by his collar, this shocked Norton, he never saw this side of Victor, hell, probably no one knew he had a side like this.

"Are you serious? You're losing interest in him!? What?? Is he just some game to you!?" Victor yelled. Norton was speechless. He was right. Norton knew it was wrong. 

Norton lowered his head, bangs shadowing whatever his expression was. He softly said good night and shut the door on Victor's face. Victor didn't want to continue. Victor wanted Norton and Andrew to never be together anymore. Never again.

Victor went to Andrew's room and carefully explained what happened. It broke Andrew's heart but it was fine, he had Victor. Victor held him and comforted him throughout the entire thing.

"Thank you, Victor.."

"Anything for my friend." 

Norton was too nervous and upset to face Andrew and as much as Andrew missed him, he ignored him.


ending it there since idk what else to end it with but like

Victor best bro man best bro I love him.


umm yeah based on an experience of mine bc I made a joke n was like "LOL THIS COULD BE A SHITTY WATTPAD FANFIC" yeah fucked up by making the first paragraph look good and I couldnt contain myself.........
anyway hi melody and vic im such a good writer right? :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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