Chapter 1

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As her fingers flew over the keyboard she frantically tried to remember what Noah had said to her before she left, he had tried to warn her that he could only block the CCTV for about 20 minutes. Just then she started to hear footsteps and she snapped out of her thoughts, reached over to her bag ad slowly removed the electric Taser trying not to make a sound. As she stood there holding the Taser closely to her chest she thought about all the lives they would save by just doing this one thing and she suddenly felt a burst of adrenalin. All of a sudden she heard Noah's voice in her ear piece: "Zoey! Focus, you need to get out of there he's checking all the doors and you have about 3 minutes till he gets to the room you're in!" Zoey looked around the office, barely any place to hide, she needed a distraction.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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