Chapter One- New Beginnings

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Emptiness. That's all I felt nowadays. I have never really been afraid of being alone. After 162 years on the earth you learn to enjoy your own company.
There's something that has been lacking in my life. I want to find it but I'm afraid of letting myself go. Everyone I've ever loved has ended up lost or dead. Kathrine, Damon, Lexi, Rebekah, and the list goes on.
Don't get me wrong, I deserve it. I'm not proud of the things I've done, the people I've hurt. I deserve an eternity of pain and bitterness. After all I am a blood thirsty parasite.
I chose Georgia to settle down in. Only because it's the one place that I haven't killed masses of people. I've learned to control myself. I only feed on animals now.
I must say I appreciate this time of the year in Georgia. It's fall so all the leaves are changing to a bright orange red and falling to the ground.
As I get out of the car I feel my feet crunching the leaves beneath them. I didn't bring much with me from the boarding house in Mystic Falls.
I plan on using my salary to buy the rest. And I won't compel myself a job- unless the guy is a total dick, then I'll compel him to give me a raise while I'm at it.
As I open the door, the smell of fresh wood hits me. "Ah, yes," I say.
I know starting over wont be easy but right now it seems like I could just kick back and relax.
"Stop Joseph," says a voice. "Make me Amsy-pamsy," says the other. "Stop calling me that! Mom, Joseph won't stop calling me 'Amsy-pamsy'," said the girl.
"Joseph, stop teasing your sister. We need to give this casserole to that nice man that just moved into that house down the street," said the mother.
She approached my house with two children and a tall man with a crest on his ring similar to my daylight ring.
I was at the door before they even rang the bell. I opened the door and said "Hi, how can I help you,".
"Hi! My name is Jenna and these are are two children Joseph and Amy," she said gesturing towards them.
"And, this is my husband Alaric," she said. I stretched out my hand to each of them. Alaric's grip on my hand was very tight, almost like he was trying to take off my ring. I withdrew quickly.
"Anyway, I made you this casserole and we would just like to welcome you to the neighborhood," she said handing me the casserole.
"Thank you, my name is Stefan Salvatore it was very nice meeting you," I said taking the casserole from Jenna's arms.
"Salvatore, huh," said Alaric. "Yes, are you familiar with the name?" I asked. "No," he answered.
"Well, we better get going! It was a pleasure meeting you Stefan," she said.
"Same here. Thank you again for the casserole," I said before closing the door.


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